January Jones Sharing Success Stories



January Jones is the author of, Thou Shalt Not Whine....The Eleventh Commandment. Ms. Jones interviews Success Coaches sharing their Stories, their Struggles and their Success Secrets! Ms. Jones has over 2 million BTR listeners to date!


  • January Jones Best of 2023 Sharing Senior Clyde Mc Culley's Story

    10/04/2024 Duración: 01h15min

    Clyde McCulley was born and raised in Benton, Arkansas. As a child he always wanted to be an artist. He completed the Bachelor and Masters Fine Art degree and began teaching art in Colleges in Texas. He later completed the Doctor of Education at Illinois State University. He taught in Liberal Arts Colleges before becoming the Director of an Art School in upstate New York for the last 20 years of his college work. His first book was a memoir ( The Boy on Shady Grove Road) of his life as a child growing up on a little dirt farm in Arkansas. Clyde McCulley was born and raised in Benton, Arkansas. MUST READ: THE BOY ON SHADY GROVE LANE-CLYDE MCCULLEY

  • January Jones Sharing Memoirs of an Undertaker's Daughter Margo Lenmark

    08/04/2024 Duración: 46min

    With so many people mourning COVID-19 victims, many wonder if we go to an after life after we take our last breath. While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark learned the truth. "People send messages in death that are very clear," she says. "Death isn't the end. I have gotten messages from dead people that have helped me. She shares her fascinating experiences and insights in her book "Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker's Daughter." MUST READ: LIGHT IN  THE MOURNING - MARGO LENMARK            

  • January Jones sharing Senior Success - The Royal Feud - Carole Lieberman

    07/04/2024 Duración: 02h09min

    The relationship between William and Harry is reportedly “hanging by a thread,” and publishing sources say while the new book goes easy on their father Charles, it will further damage the relationship between the siblings as it highlights Harry’s bitterness over playing second fiddle to his older brother. Carole Lieberman, a Beverly Hills psychiatrist, can discuss what has gone wrong, who’s to blame and why. Lieberman says the relationship could be repaired if Harry has an epiphany and wakes up. January Jones Sharing Success Stories is broadcast live on Talk4TV Thursdays at 3 PM ET.   OPTIMAL DISTANCE - CAROL LIEBERMAN

  • January Jones Sharing, What Happens When We Die? With Dr. Eben Alexander

    05/04/2024 Duración: 52min

    Eben Alexander III is an American neurosurgeon and author. His book Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife (2012) describes his near-death experience that happened in 2008 under medically-induced coma when treated for meningitis. He asserts that the coma resulted in brain death, that consciousness is not only a product of the brain and that this permits access to an afterlife. Alexander has also authored follow-up books. January Jones Sharing Success Stories is broadcast live Tuesdays at 2PM ET.

  • January Jones sharing Are You Single & Unhappy? with Shannon Kaiser

    01/04/2024 Duración: 30min

    R U Single & Unhappy? Shannon Kaiser Topic Playtime  How 2 B Happy Author Find Your Happy MUST READ; FIND YOUR HAPPY - SHANNON KAISER

  • January Jones - sharing Senior Wealth Management with Sandra Champion

    31/03/2024 Duración: 01h08min

    In these trying times, advice froman expert is what we allneed and  Sandra is here to help  us figure it all oout and make plans for the future. The investment industry demands, by regulation, that an advisor a client before making any recommendations. But most firms make satisfying that requirement too easy. 

  • January Jones sharing the Mother-In-Law Rules with Sally Shields

    30/03/2024 Duración: 01h00s

    "Next to Waterford Crystal, The Daughter-in-Law Rules may be the best wedding gift you can give!"Tim Bete, author of Guide to Pirate ParentingDo you dread visits with your mother-in-law? Do you find yourself dodging ruthless comments hurled your way at every possible moment? Is battling your mother-in-law a simple fact of life, or is there another way to mitigate the age old conflict between mother and wife? In her hilarious new book The Daughter-in-Law Rules author Sally Shields lays out simple and witty strategies to aid wives of all ages in the difficult art of mastering the mother-in-law. With her 101 rules to manage your mother-in-law she scrutinizes every element of MIL relations; from the decorum of housekeeping to the delicate world of child rearing. The Daughter-in-Law Rules provides a revolutionary set of strategies, making copasetic coexistence possible at last! MUST READ: DAUGHTER-N-LAW RULES - SALLY SHIELDS

  • January Jones - Post Pandemic How To Get a Raise by Russ Hovendick

    29/03/2024 Duración: 51min

    How to Get a Raise: The Correct Way to ask for an Increase in Salary and Wages  by Russ Hovendick Book Summary:Taking a unique "Market Value" approach this book challenges the conventional wisdom of how to ask for a raise. Through the "3 P's" method, the reader is first encouraged to Prepare their rationale for the raise through a system of self assessments to determine their "Marketplace Value", then develop and refine their own Presentation of Value, and finally to embrace an attitude of Professionalism throughout the process. By incorporating the "No-risk" approach this book provides, the reader enters the pay discussion without risk of jeopardizing their career and future raise and promotional considerations. If you have ever wanted a surefire approach to asking for a raise, this is it.

  • January Jones sharing Ask the Right Question? with Senior Robb Hill

    28/03/2024 Duración: 30min

    Financial advisor, author and inspirational speaker, Robb Hill has for over 18 years helped people not only put their financial house in order, and reorder their thinking processes for a better life outcome. His powerful lectures on basic financial planning, corporate communication and personal development are revolutionizing the way people look at their lives, their choices, and their futures.

  • January Jones Sharing Motivational Humorist Bobbe White's Success Story

    27/03/2024 Duración: 50min

    Motivational humorist Bobbe White is a nationally recognized expert on laughter and humor therapy. Bobbe is a great fit for healthcare and women’s audiences. She has been featured in the New York Times, Family Circle, First Magazine, and Newsweek Japan, on “Laughter as a current trend in the workplace.” She was one of the first Laughter Leaders certified in the world by the World Laughter Tour, Inc. (Seriously!) Bobbe’s work history includes Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill Club and Lodge, Orlando, where she was the swim pro (like a golf pro, but with more water). She has been in banking for over 3 decades, through 3 economic cycles, and 3 hair colors! Her success as a speaker and trainer is her conviction to what she believes are the two basic tenets of the adult learning experience: food and fun. January Jones Sharing Success Stories is broadcast live Thursdays at 3PM ET.

  • January Jones - Now You Can Meet The Improv Guy - Milo Shapiro

    23/03/2024 Duración: 01h01min

    The Improv Guy with Milo Shapiro Milo Shapiro of IMPROVentures.com and PublicDynamics.com will discuss the power of improvisation as a tool to better communication, both on a stage and in business in general. Author  Public Speaking: Get A's, Not Zzzzzz's!  MUST READ: PUBLIC SPEAKING - GET As - MILO SHAPIRO Keynote Speaker AATH Convention http://www.improventures.com  

  • January Jones sharing The Mayflower Madame with Sydney Biddle Barrows

    22/03/2024 Duración: 01h00s

    MEET SYDNEY BIDDLE BARROWS before Monica Lewinsky Mayflower Madam: The Secret Life of Sydney Biddle Barrows MUST READ: MAYFLOWER MADAMEE SYDNEY BIDDLE BARROWS

  • January Jones sharing Playwright and Romance Author Micael Anton & Jake Kelly

    21/03/2024 Duración: 50min

    Inspired by everyday circumstance, script, people and events, Michael is a talented and successful playwright, composer, lyricist, and love and romance author. He will surprise you as he is also a lawyer, legal author and lecturer. And, when not working, he can be found at the bowling alley on his bowling league!

  • January Jones sharing COUNTERINTELLIGENCE SPY SPEAKS OUT with Pete Turner

    18/03/2024 Duración: 55min

    Never-Before Heard And Unfiltered Accounts Directly from the Frontline, While Under Fire in Some of the Most Dangerous Regions on Earth. (i.e. Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, and Iraq) Pete Turner has spent several years as a counterintelligence spy for the U.S. Army traveling to many countries including Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, Germany, and Iraq. He is now using his extensive knowledge and experience in geopolitics, tactical-espionage, and U.S. travel to provide compelling evidence outside the typical media landscapes which brings us to his current project, a nonprofit organization called International Institute for Nonproliferation Studies (IINPS). January Jones Sharing Senior Success is broadcast live Thursdays at 3PM ET.

  • January Jones - 2024 Real Fast Talk Radio - Daniel Hall

    17/03/2024 Duración: 01h50min

    January Jones - Holiday Real Fast Talk Radio - Daniel Hall Launch: Real Fast Talk Radio by January Jones and Daniel Hall! January welcomes her co-author Daniel Hall to the show for the launch of their latest project!  They'll be discussing "How a low tech Internet Radio Show creates an Audience of over 3.4 million People for a Computer Phobic Grandmother in her Seventies. And How You Can Do It Too! All The Benefits of Podcasting with None of The Technical Hassles. Why re-invent the wheel when success is waiting 4 U? JANUARY'S MUST READ THE BEST SELLING AUTHOR ATTRACT YOUR FANS

  • January Jones welcomes Dr. Madeline Lewis, author “Finding Your Best Inside

    16/03/2024 Duración: 55min

    Career Strategist Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis is committed to helping both individuals and organizations live their highest dreams and goals. She uses FIVE essential elements that are instrumental in helping you unearth and realize your capabilities, while integrating simple strategies that anyone can apply in order to achieve unstoppable success in life which are: Purpose     Perseverance     Positive     Produce and      Potential  

  • January Jones - sharing a Million $ Party Girl with Lynn Bardowski

    15/03/2024 Duración: 50min

    The Million $ Party Girl author, Lynn Bardowski Did You Know that Hard Work will not make you Successful? Persistance Does Not  Always Mean Pushy! MUST READ: SECRETS OF MILLION DOLLAR PARTY GIRL-LYNN BARDOWSKI

  • January Jones - Crazy to Sane - Meet The Brain Broad

    14/03/2024 Duración: 42min

    The Brain Broad is a doubly board certified international neurofeedback/play therapist working hands on in the field of brain health and healing. She is studying for a PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology. She is a seasoned speaker/performer.  Lynette's travels globally both with her one woman show, Crazy To Sane and also working hands on with a variety of brain disorders. You can see her clinical work chronicled in FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD, a reality series on The Autism Channel or listen to her podcast A New Spin On Autism: ANSWERS! MUST READ: MIRACLES ARE MADE AUTISM-LYNETTE LOUISE

  • January Jones-Sharing SENIOR Stress-Meditation & Yoga - Liz Hansen

    13/03/2024 Duración: 50min

    The two aspects of our mind can be reflected in our body. An active mind leads us to be doing. We need our active mind for survival. The planning, thinking, achieving aspect of the mind motivates us to get out there and provide shelter and food and community for life.  However, at times it can lead to too much doing and no place for stillness: active body/active mind. We need the balance of engaging with our more passive, still mind. The practice of mindfulness creates the place for simply being. It is in this place that we switch to growth and healing within the physical. Not surprisingly, this can be learned best by becoming still, relaxing the physical body, and practicing mindfulness that leads us into the stillness. I have been teaching the Mindfulness Based Stillness Meditation course for a number of years and have seen evidence of how peoples lives change for the better once they have an understanding of how to use this practice. Then we can generalise the mindfulness into our doing, and move and act i

  • January Jones sharing LinkedIn Leads- L. Renee Chubb

    12/03/2024 Duración: 52min

    Today's show is all about leveraging LinkedIn and How to get Predictable Leads, Clients and Revenue through an amazing software and company!  L. Renee Chubbs is the founder of J.R.C. Staffing Firm and Side Hustle Empire ™. Her goal is to create an Empire of successful entrepreneurs who are a resource and source of inspiration for each other. Having been laid off from her last job in 2007, L. Renee' knows the struggles of having one source of income disappear with no plan B. Having tried numerous MLM programs, Freelance writing and even gigs on Fiverr, she wanted to do something to give back and show people that it is necessary to have a Side Hustle in today's economy and how to turn that Side Hustle into a lucrative business.  Having a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) is a means to and end and if she can start a revolution of Entrepreneurs, then her work here on Earth is done!  MUST READ; FEARLESS YOU - L. RENEE CHUBB

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