Radical With David Platt



The latest sermons from teacher, author, and pastor David Plattdelivered weekly.


  • Stories of Hope

    02/04/2018 Duración: 45min

    We live in a day where people are made uncomfortable by any claim of truth. Jesus taught that He Himself was “The Truth” and the only way to God. As He breathed His last on the cross, it seemed like He would be written off as a fraud. Easter Sunday serves as a reminder that God cashes in on all of His promises. In this sermon, David Platt encourages us from John 20 with testimonies to the resurrection. Through Christ being raised from the dead, our eyes have been opened to the truth and we now live in the hope of the resurrection, trusting that we will one day be with Him forever.

  • Why is Good Friday Good?

    30/03/2018 Duración: 21min

    Our culture questions the very idea of truth. The fact that anyone would claim to know something, particularly as it relates to eternity, can sound arrogant. Yet in John 14:6 Jesus claims to be the “the way, and the truth and the life.” But what if we are accountable to God? And what if Jesus is who He says He is? If He actually died on the cross and rose from the dead, then His claim to be the way to God is not arrogant but the best news in the world. In this Good Friday message, David Platt urges us to consider and respond to the claims of Jesus Christ.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Prayer

    26/03/2018 Duración: 56min

    Our culture constantly tells us to look to our own abilities to find strength and success. Tragically, many churches in our day have taken that advice. In this sermon, David Platt shows us why this self-reliant attitude is contrary to what we see throughout the book of Acts as the gospel spreads across geographic and cultural borders. If the church is to carry out God’s mission, then it must rely on God’s power. Making disciples of all nations requires desperate prayer.

  • Holy Week: An 8-Day Journey

    25/03/2018 Duración: 02min

    Holy Week is the time when Christians around the world remember the days leading to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Beginning on Palm Sunday, we’re going to dive into God’s Word each day to put ourselves in the shoes of those who walked with Jesus on the road to the cross. We'll see how these days affected their lives, even as we reflect on how they affect ours. Subscribe to Pray the Word: www.radical.net/praytheword

  • Christ’s Prayer and the Church’s Mission

    18/03/2018 Duración: 32min

    In John 17, we find what people have often called the “High Priestly Prayer” as Jesus prayed to the Father before His betrayal and crucifixion. What does this prayer have to do with us? In this sermon, David Platt gives three exhortations from John 17 concerning how we can leverage our lives in obedience to the Great Commission.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Discipleship

    12/03/2018 Duración: 54min

    Discipleship is a common word used among Christians today, but it often is used without clarity. Why must the church be committed to helping Christians live every day in light of the final day? In this sermon, David Platt looks to God’s Word in order to explain what biblical discipleship is and how it is vital for the church.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Evangelism

    05/03/2018 Duración: 47min

    What makes a church a church? After all, many religious groups meet regularly to talk about their common values and their common mission. Is there something unique about the gathering of Christ’s followers? In this sermon on Matthew 16:13–28, David Platt looks at the importance of biblical evangelism. We’ll see how the church’s identity is tied to believing and proclaiming the gospel.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Preaching and Teaching

    26/02/2018 Duración: 55min

    Different pastors and church leaders in our day continue to offer their opinions on what the church should be about. As a result, churches are often left wondering whose preferences to follow and whose authority to listen to. In this sermon from 2 Timothy 3:10–4:8, David Platt points us away from the preferences of man to the church’s ultimate authority––God speaking through His Word. In this first of twelve traits of a biblical church, Biblical Preaching and Teaching, we’ll see why the faithful proclamation of Scripture shapes everything about the church’s life and mission.

  • Divine Sovereignty: The Fuel of Death-Defying Missions

    19/02/2018 Duración: 01h03min

    A pastor who believes that God is sovereign over all things will lead his people to be a death defying missional people. Our sovereign God holds the destiny of the world in the palm of his hand. Therefore, his shepherds should lead their people to pray confidently, give sacrificially, go intentionally and die willingly for the spread of the gospel message to those who have never heard.

  • The Church's Goal: ". . . Among All Nations"

    13/02/2018 Duración: 54min

    It’s so easy for churches to become self-focused. Our own comforts and concerns slowly begin to swallow up our time, energy, and resources. But Christ’s command to make disciples of all nations should compel us to move out with the gospel to a world in need. This is the church’s mission. In this third sermon in a three-part series on Matthew 28:16–30, David Platt encourages the church to make disciples and to multiply churches, both in our own neighborhoods and among unreached peoples across the globe.

  • The Church's Mission: "By Making Disciples and Multiplying Churches . . ."

    05/02/2018 Duración: 54min

    There is no shortage of books, conferences, and consultants in our day offering to help churches find their mission. It’s as if God’s people have been left in the dark as to what we should be about. But what if Jesus has already given us our marching orders? In this sermon, David Platt directs our attention to Christ’s words in Matthew 28:16–20 in order to help us identify the church’s mission.

  • The Church's Vision: "We Glorify God . . ."

    29/01/2018 Duración: 37min

    Churches often put their time, resources, and efforts into many doing good things, all the while failing to ask what their primary focus should be. Thankfully, God hasn’t left us in the dark when it comes to the church’s mission. In this sermon from Matthew 28:16–20, David Platt begins a three-part sermon series unpacking the vision, mission, and goal of the church. In this sermon we’ll see why glorifying God has to be the starting point for all that we do.

  • Praying and Working for Justice: Abortion

    22/01/2018 Duración: 56min

    Depending on who you’re talking to, the issue of abortion brings up feelings of anger, guilt, or despair. Even many Christians view it primarily as a political issue. However, before abortion is a political or any other type of issue, we need to recognize it for what it is––a God issue. In this sermon on Psalm 139, David Platt urges Christians to take a God-centered perspective on abortion. This will involve both repentance and the pursuit of biblical justice on behalf those who are the most vulnerable. Thankfully, God’s grace in the gospel is sufficient to cover abortion and every other sin we commit against Him.

  • Praying and Working for Justice: Racialization

    15/01/2018 Duración: 48min

    The topics of race and social justice often elicit strong emotions, which is why many pastors and churches tend to stay silent on these issues. However, David Platt argues that these are not topics the church can ignore. Our worship of God is integrally connected to the way we treat our neighbor, including those who don’t look like us. Based on Amos 5:21–24, this sermon exhorts us to consider our role in perpetuating racism, often without realizing it. Every follower of Christ should pray and work for justice in the culture around us.

  • The Word and the World

    08/01/2018 Duración: 39min

    If you want to grow a church and see the gospel spread, there is no shortage of strategies being offered today. Sadly, few of these strategies revolve around the power and authority of God’s Word. In today’s sermon from 2 Timothy, David Platt challenges us to rely on God’s Word to do God’s work. Not only do we need this life-changing Word in our own lives and churches, but also—there’s a world out there that has no hope without it.

  • Sharing Your Faith Without Fear

    01/01/2018 Duración: 43min

    There’s nothing greater, nothing more significant we can share with others than the message of the gospel. And yet, if we’re honest, we often fail to speak about this good news to unbelievers God has put in our lives. We’re silent about the hope of eternal life because we’re worried about what others will think. In this sermon based on Acts 18:1–17, David Platt encourages us to share the gospel without fear. Even though opposition is inevitable, God’s power and His mission are unstoppable.

  • Behold His Faithfulness

    25/12/2017 Duración: 38min

    Keeping your word seems to matter very little in our culture. Politicians unashamedly break promises, the covenant of marriage is trivialized, and, if we’re honest, each of us is tempted in a thousand little ways to distort the truth in our own lives. But, according to Psalm 98, we serve a God who is always faithful. In this sermon, David Platt encourages us to behold the God who shows steadfast love to His undeserving people. Such faithfulness should continually elicit our praise.

  • Behold His Grace

    18/12/2017 Duración: 41min

    Many followers of Christ cringe when the topic of giving comes up. Even when we do give, we’re often motivated more by guilt than gratitude. But this is not how Scripture motivates us to give. In this sermon on Psalm 86, David Platt points us to several biblical motives for our giving. We give in response to God’s infinite grace so that others might see His glory.

  • Behold His Love

    11/12/2017 Duración: 46min

    Sadly, some professing Christians find very little joy in their relationship with God. Trusting and obeying Him is a duty, not a delight. However, Psalm 63 reminds us that God’s great love ought to draw out deep affection from God’s people. In this sermon David Platt urges us to set aside lukewarm thoughts toward God and instead pursue Him as our all-consuming passion.

  • The Mercy of God in the Movement of the Peoples

    03/12/2017 Duración: 47min

    The scale of the current refugee crisis is massive, and it can seem like events are spinning out of control. But what if God is using these tragedies to accomplish His global purposes? In this sermon on Acts 17:26–27, David Platt encourages us to view the movements of refugees around the world through the lens of God’s sovereignty and His redemptive purposes. The nations may be closer than you think.

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