Mariners Church Irvine



Media at Mariners Church in Irvine, CA


  • A Better Way to View Possessions


    What does Luke 12:13-21 show us about greed and contentment? It shows us that greed is unquenchable, shortsighted and foolish. We can fight and overcome greed with the virtue of contentment and generosity.

  • A Better Way to See Yourself


    What does Luke 18:9-14 say about humility? It illustrates the difference between the prideful and the humble. Prideful people, like the pharisee, look to themselves and their righteousness to justify them. Humble people, like the tax collector, look to Jesus' sacrifice to justify them.

  • Relationships for Growth


    What’s the point of the relationships in our lives? Genesis 1:26; 31-2:2 shows us that God created relationships for us to be like Him and grow to be more like Him. Healthy relationships display His character and develop His people.

  • Forgiveness


    What does Matthew 18:21-35 show us about forgiveness? The parable illustrates the freedom we experience when we release someone from the debt they owe us. Ultimately, by forgiving others and settling relational accounts, we reflect on how Christ forgave us and seek to share that forgiveness and love with others.

  • How to Fight


    What do Matthew 5: 21-22, Proverbs 29:11 and Galatians 5 say about conflict in relationships? They give us three ways we can resolve arguments with people in a way that reflects Christ by: 1. Naming our anger: I do this so I can move forward, grow, change, (if necessary) and love. 2. Delaying our anger: I do this so I don’t hurt others and damage relationships. 3. Studying our anger: I do this so I can learn, improve my relationships, and grow closer to Jesus.

  • How To Live New


    What does Ephesians 4:17-19 say about our new life in Christ? It gives us three ways we should live now that we're transformed by Jesus. 1. Remind yourself who you are. 2. Replace old with new, continually. 3. Remember what Christ has done for you. As people with new lives, we can remember that, “God takes our sins – the past, present, and future, and dumps them in the sea and puts up a sign that says, 'No fishing allowed.'" -Corrie ten Boom

  • New Heart


    What do Ezekiel 36:25-27 and John 3:1-5 show us about our new hearts as Christians? It tells us that transformation doesn't come from religious commitment, knowledge about God, or doing your best in this life. Instead, Jesus needs to give us a new heart to completely remake us.

  • New Community


    What does Ephesians 2:14-22 say about our new community as Christians? It shows us that we're united to Christ and each other through the work Jesus did on the cross. What He did gives us new communities such as: New kingdom: we serve the King together. (John 18:36) New family: we belong to one another. New temple: we seek God together. (1 Corinthians 6:19a and Psalm 27:4)

  • New Name


    What does God tell us about our desire for new things? Genesis 32:24-32 shows us that God and the world offer us different concepts of new. In order to be made new by God, we need to meet with God, lose to God, and hold on to God in order to receive the new blessings of a relationship with Him.

  • Into The Unknown


    As God leads us into 2020 and new opportunities to trust Him, we can rest assured knowing that He will take care of us and lead us places for our good as He did with the Israelites in Deuteronomy 8:2-5.

  • Name Him Jesus


    The stories we see in pop culture all point us to Jesus' one overarching story, but unlike the stories we see on the big screen, the genealogy in Matthew 1 shows us that Jesus' story actually happened.

  • A King Forever


    What do 1 Chronicles 17:11-14 and Jeremiah 23:5-6 have to do with Christmas? They show us that Jesus had announced to David that He would send a son and establish a king who would rule forever bringing peace, unity and Heaven to Earth.

  • He Will Bring Joy To All Nations


    What does Abraham have to do with Christmas? Genesis 22:1-18 shows us that after Abraham proved that he fully trusted God, God announced to him that He would send Jesus through Abraham’s family.

  • He Will Crush Our Enemy


    What does Genesis have to do with Christmas? Since humanity's fall in Genesis 3, God cursed Satan and made a promises to us that He would send His son as a savior to rescue us from our sin and crush Satan.

  • Thanksgiving 2019


    Kenton’s annual Thanksgiving message shows us how to become happier, more creative and content people by practicing gratitude for everything God has done.

  • When You Think, "How Can This Be?"


    We often wonder how we found ourselves in a certain hardship or difficult moment, and we ask God: “How can this be?” We want answers. While there might not be easy answers, the Bible tells us that God loves us so much that He became human so He could share our experiences and redeem us.

  • Compassion for You. Compassion for Cities


    Jonah 4, the book's final chapter, ends on a cliffhanger, but God still clearly demonstrates His profound love for cities and people through it. The questions He asks Jonah also apply to us and draw us closer to the story and His heart.

  • Rescued People Rescue People


    What does Jonah 3 say about God? Like Jonah, He doesn't just give us second chances, but gives us multiple opportunities to embrace His invitation to share rescue and restoration with the people and organizations we're a part of.

  • God Responds


    What does Jonah 2 tell us about God? It shows us that He allows us to run and rebel like Jonah, but He never lets us run away. When we return, He gives us a new purpose and uses our story to draw others to Him.

  • The Gift of a Fish


    What does Jonah 1:4-17 say about God's love and grace? It shows us God will do everything He can to pursue us even when we wander from Him. He sent a fish to Jonah not to ruin him, but to restore him and He uses the storms in our lives to help us let go of the things that don't satisfy so we can take hold of Him.

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