University Baptist Church (UBC)



University Baptist Church (UBC) Podcasts


  • The Song: Proclaiming the Wonder of Christmas (both services) (Audio)


    I have a definition of the perfect gift. The perfect gift is something you never knew you always wanted…right up until the moment someone gives it to you and then from that point forward you can’t imagine how you ever got by without it. God doesn’t...

  • Glory to the King (both services) (Audio)


    God is love. We could say a lot of words about God, but love is the definitive word. And of all the ways God could have revealed God’s self, it probably says something that God became flesh, was wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lain in a manger.

  • You Call This Peace? 11 am (Audio)


    So many times at Christmas we are moving fast. We decorate, we buy presents, we travel. It’s not until we get up to the day of Christmas itself that we get to experience a little bit of peace. But what if the peace of Christmas could be more than just...

  • You Call This Peace? 9:30 am (Audio)


    So many times at Christmas we are moving fast. We decorate, we buy presents, we travel. It’s not until we get up to the day of Christmas itself that we get to experience a little bit of peace. But what if the peace of Christmas could be more than just...

  • A Thrill of Hope 11 am (Audio)


    Sometimes it feels like hope is in short supply, and rather than face the pain or disappointment of keeping it alive, we just stop hoping instead. But then God shows up and all our God-given hopes becomes possible again. What would it look like for...

  • A Thrill of Hope 9 am (Audio)


    Sometimes it feels like hope is in short supply, and rather than face the pain or disappointment of keeping it alive, we just stop hoping instead. But then God shows up and all our God-given hopes becomes possible again. What would it look like for...

  • The Good of the Bad - Strength 9 am (Audio)


    When is the last time you went to gym to work out? If it's been awhile then you know what's coming-sweat, shortness of breath, that feeling that you're about to die (not really). But what happens after? You're stronger. What if...

  • The Good of the Bad - Strength 11 am (Audio)


    When is the last time you went to gym to work out? If it's been awhile then you know what's coming–sweat, shortness of breath, that feeling that you're about to die (not really). But what happens after? You're stronger. What if...

  • The Good of the Bad - Wisdom 9 am (Audio)


    What are we supposed to make of hard times? Has God abandoned us? No! In many cases, such moments are among the most powerful experiences we have of God's presence. And when God shows up, wisdom often follows.

  • The Good of the Bad - Wisdom 11 am (Audio)


    What are we supposed to make of hard times? Has God abandoned us? No! In many cases, such moments are among the most powerful experiences we have of God's presence. And when God shows up, wisdom often follows.

  • Fearless Love 9 am (Audio)


    We tend to think of fearlessness as something macho-someone who goes sky-diving or bungee jumping or some other adrenaline filled activity. But according to the Bible, the most fearless thing we can do is love. Love is certainly a risk, but then so is...

  • Fearless Love 11 am (Audio)


    We tend to think of fearlessness as something macho-someone who goes sky-diving or bungee jumping or some other adrenaline filled activity. But according to the Bible, the most fearless thing we can do is love. Love is certainly a risk, but then so is...

  • Fearless Hope 9 am (Audio)


    Fear can be paralyzing. Our fear of what might happen can steal our peace, and rob us of joy. But what happens when we remember one fundamental truth, the future is in God's hands?!? It doesn't mean that things will always be easy, but we...

  • Fearless Hope 11 am (Audio)


    Fear can be paralyzing. Our fear of what might happen can steal our peace, and rob us of joy. But what happens when we remember one fundamental truth, the future is in God's hands?!? It doesn't mean that things will always be easy, but we...

  • Fearless Faith 9 am (Audio)


    One of the most common commandments of scripture is-"Fear not!" How do we contrast faith not with disbelief, but instead with fear which the scripture indicates is a far larger problem? It's meant to be a very upbeat, even joyful word...

  • Fearless Faith 11 am (Audio)


    One of the most common commandments of scripture is-"Fear not!" How do we contrast faith not with disbelief, but instead with fear which the scripture indicates is a far larger problem? It's meant to be a very upbeat, even joyful word...

  • Finding Your Voice After Loss 9 am (Audio)


    Even in the best of times, a significant loss can disrupt our lives, make us feel powerless, and sometimes, cause us to question our faith. Where can we find support and restoration during times like these? What can we learn from Jesus about caring...

  • Finding Your Voice After Loss 11 am (Audio)


    Even in the best of times, a significant loss can disrupt our lives, make us feel powerless, and sometimes, cause us to question our faith. Where can we find support and restoration during times like these? What can we learn from Jesus about caring...

  • Connecting People with God's Kingdom 11 am (Audio)


    As we approach our understanding of the family of faith, we must identify the fact that each and every part is interrelated. The church's communal nature overtakes our individual natures and, at certain times, must overtake our own individual...

  • Connecting People with God's Kingdom 9 am (Audio)


    As we approach our understanding of the family of faith, we must identify the fact that each and every part is interrelated. The church's communal nature overtakes our individual natures and, at certain times, must overtake our own individual...

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