Desperate Mothers



The Mothers of Desperation discuss their web projects, puppets, vampires, comic book conventions, movies, and other Pop Culture happenings.


  • 079 - Teddy Bears Ain't Got No Force

    10/04/2017 Duración: 51min

    Return from the winter, Ramses won, Twitter space, Ghost in the Shell, Scarlett Johanson, Angelina Jolie, hacking, Mr Robot, backdoors, microwave spies, cylons, social security clones, don't make yourself an easy target, home automation, futuristic bad guys, space battle in the future, hyperspace navigation and manual targeting, autopilots and dogfighting, the force versus laser blasts, broken confidences, teddy bears ain't got no force, Endor induced PTSD, what's funny now?, CJ goes to the Groundlings school, blender stuff, drunk cooking with no jokes, remedial comedy classes, cookies ain't no joke, fame and wealth and how to get it, puppets as actors versus performers, gilfs, motherlight, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, Spider-Man is Tony Stark's flunky, Spidey's pre-Civil War persona, Iron Man's playboy style, Elon Musk Hugh Hefner and Paris Hilton, Buckaroo Bonzai, Spider-man's webbing shooting out of other body parts. Secret explanations.

  • 078 - Oedipus Ren & Emperor Trumpatine

    16/12/2016 Duración: 01h16min

    Pods of holidays passed, the pod that makes you ring that bell, there's no white-washing Luke Cage, welcome to the Phantom Menace, Neegan visits your nuts, inner demons provide motivation, good heavy, Naboo callbacks, the return of Jar Jar looms in our future, Leia is the heart of the force, Emperor Trumpatine disbands the senate, fantastic creatures and Harry Potter, the ghost of a person, powers of disbelief, how disbelief would work in the real world, cheaters go to hell, four years of beating a dead horse, POTUS the T stands for Twitter, television journalists citing social media in general, no friends on freindster, always talking about Scarlette Johanson, Tweety Trump, the Frankenstein syndrome, Hulk rage is unending power, Banner in control, Thor 3 won't suck if it not focused on Thor, Matt argues for a Black Wido movie, La Femme Natasha, the Hawkeye movie was a ripoff, Guardians needed to be a comedy, skin grabs and manipulation, yoga pants controversy, movie fair pay and th

  • 077 - Resting Bored Face

    27/11/2016 Duración: 01h18min

    Black Friday edition with CJ, Jack, Matt and Sammie;  Walmart online servers subsidized by the government, repairs to the Most Desperate Studio on Planet Earth, flooding out the wicked, schooled on words that are tight,  grumpy cats at comic conventions, groping booth and the convention, spoiler time windows - when is it okay? Ron Jeremy should host a comic book convention, rjlvpcc, Doctor Strange does not go to Hogwarts, Lois Lane is the quintessential damsel in distress, ranking Batmen, resting bored face, Superman's loyalty pledge, Doctor Strange and Benedict Cumberbatch, the movie lacked a convincing training montage, sling rings and things, Harry Potter cinematic universe - the HPCU, the Mouse makes money, buyout prices, mis-remembering November, white washing Ghost in the Shell, Jackie Chan jumps over buildings well into his old age, the return of Moby Script, some costumes are more unisex than others, Banner Hulks out to impress the ladies, who is worthy of lifting Hulk's ham

  • 076 - Trumpocalypse Now

    20/11/2016 Duración: 57min

    Sammie joins CJ in podcasting, Star Wars awakens something, crickette roulette, grumpy cats votes libertarian? grumpy cat people getting plastic surgery, CJ might be lying, bug eyed evolution, going grumpy, missing Comikaze, Stan Lee might live forever, hot girls from Spider-Man, The Trumpocalypse, The Apprentice winners get their appointments, what went wrong for Hillary, Don't Trump this up!, Kanye West is a member of the Bey Hive, picture frames, buried by flab, American versus British pints, how many effs does grumpy cat give?, NFG,  challenges in making videos, camera angle use in green screen technology, Hobitses can trick the camera, Shiva the tiger puppet from The Walking Dead, That Blender Guy, Arby's Meat Mountain Shake, Meatshake Monday, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Tortilla Chips review, Pumpkin Pie kettle cooked potato chips by Boulder Mountain, looking forward to the next four years with Donald Trump. 

  • 075 - Oreo Sushi

    10/10/2016 Duración: 53min

    The Mothers celebrate 2 years of podcasts with Oreos and sushi! Lay's new flavors are sampled and a winner is proclaimed from the new batch of fried potatoes. A trivia game is played and cookie punishments are doled out in honor of our anniversary episode. What do you get when you combine tasty Oreo cookies and Walmart sushi? Listen, subscribe, comment, and review! We still have Desperado patches, comment for your chance to randomly get one!

  • 074 - Shirtless and Blackwashed

    12/09/2016 Duración: 50min

    CJ and Matt discuss Vladimir Putin's secret phone calls, Superman's motivations, Suicide Squad's true reason for existence, Oreo's foray into seafood, and Pop Tarts posing as soda pop. Along the way they may or may not offend listeners with off the cuff conjecture, faulty logic, poor reasoning, and just plain old bad taste.

  • 073 - Star Trek Beyond the Space Whales (and Nose Brownies)

    10/08/2016 Duración: 51min

    Exploding with Content! Banned from Comic Con! Adam, Matt, and CJ discuss the summer blockbuster films they've seen so far, and ones they haven't! What is funny, interesting, or offensive about Star Trek Beyond, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, X-Men Apocalypse, Ghostbusters, and space whales? IMDB knows! But not Rotten Tomaters! Would Captain Kirk play Pokemon Go on the bridge of the Enterprise? Like and subscribe. Stick around for the secret review!

  • 072 - Ghostbusters Twinkie Cooler

    28/07/2016 Duración: 26min

    Ada, CJ, Jack, and Matt consume Ghostbusters themed foods while talking about the movie. Can they make it trough the episode without spoilers? Probably not, but you have to listen to find out what happens. Don't forget to comment for your chance to win a free Desperado supporter iron on patch. Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Youtube and everywhere else fine podcasts are given away! 

  • 071 - Watermelon Bacon Poptarts and the Game of Thrones Finale

    01/07/2016 Duración: 56min

    Adam, CJ, Jack, and Matt, discuss the season finale of Game of Thrones, Poptarts in deliciously disgusting flavors, watermelon, maple bacon, King's Landin explained, witnessing the chewification, master of the meat shake, octopus creampuff, watermelon and maple bacon Poptarts combine for a taste sensation, brown sugar watermelon, the final verdict, runny eggs or not, discussing upcoming YouTube broadcast, please review us in iTunes, we aren't proud, who will kill Cersei, penises are stupid, Ricon story disappointments, power vacuum, the Mothers discuss possible upcoming GoT scenarios, stone men, deadite insight, does Westeros have the same geological and weather patterns as Earth? next season predictions, Dr. Mountainstein, prepaid lists of the Many Faced God, King and King ruling couples, Ramsey Bolton deserved a harder death, first death of next season predictions, the Clegane brothers death match, patch giveaway to a random subscriber on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, the website

  • 070 - Twinkie Wax and Why the DCU Needs a Gardener

    20/06/2016 Duración: 01h17min

    Adam, CJ, Jack, and Matt try Hostess Banana Split Twinkies, anatomically correct wax museum figures, X-Men Age of Apocalypse, the D-Box experience, The Flash versus Quicksilver, Katnis gave a speech before attacking Apocalypse, the nerdbait did not deliver, too much special effects blur together, grey goo, the climactic battle was copied from the Fantastic Four, like a bad boss fight, World of Warcraft, fan service, crafting saves the day, a movie made for game players, character ensemble movies are hard to pull off, Guy Gardner can save the DC cinematic universe if they made his movie, Netflix shows, Voltron, Game of Thrones spoilers, upcoming death predictions, the debate over Cersei's fate results in a meatshake wager, meatshake bet, comment and review the podcast to be entered into our random patch giveaway.

  • 069 - Captain Hydra and Chicken Sphincters

    02/06/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    Hail Hydra! the Mothers discuss Captain America turning evil, everyone is Deadpool, hyping comic books, transgendering Cap, heavy into slash, Batman themed phone, Batman sales, Gwenpool is real, Gwenpool should have her own phone, Katmys and the X-Men versus President Snow, too many characters in ensemble movies, you can't show an origin of every character and present a conflict in the limited time frame of a movie, Dothraki riding sea horses, Namor versus Aquaman, the upcoming release schedule of DC Comics movies, unwritten rules of casting, Guy Gardner would be the Deadpool of the DC Cinematic Universe, The Caped Crusader and The Man of Steel: Last Sun, D-Box theaters, Universal Studios rides spits in your face, dressing left or right for the Riddler, X-Men Apocalypse, Chili Nut M&Ms reviews, hot coffee, chicken sphincters, BK marketing genius, Game of Thrones predictions,  White Walkers are Fankenstein's monster come back to destroy the masters, Frankenstonian items, the revenge

  • 068 - Civil War Spoilers and Space Twinkies

    19/05/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    The Mothers' extended discussion about the newest Marvel movie contains spoilers, bad jokes, poorly thought out comparisons and totally contrived theories, be warned: spoiler alert, Captain America Civil War, long lines and poor seats, Jack prognosticates the editing of the podcast, overall impressions, Iron Man steals the show, how the movie differed from the comic series, superhero registration act, wish babies, Tony Stark's origin, likes and dislikes, segway killer, surprise hookup, the demise of a main character, the London premiere photo, the end of the movie spoiled the plot, Black Panther Ex Machina, missing bread crumbs, retconning history, Twinkies are our enemies from space, wondering why Pete looks up to Tony, Black Widow gonna do what Black Widow gonna do, giant ants and flying men, great special effects, possible future stories, when mom and dad break up it's the Avengers who lose. Subscribe to the podcast today! Available on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play Music. Fol

  • 067 - Moby Script and Free Comic Book Day

    17/05/2016 Duración: 51min

    CJ, Jack, and Matt discuss Free Comic Book Day 2016 in case you missed it, the Comic-Book-Store-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, CJ hates everything, Kanye is more petite than Kim, Taylor Swift's girl squad has ears everywhere, pop star mythology, Moby Script, The Bunny Rabbit Tragedies teaser production and project management, the Mothers hypothesize that George RR Martin will refuse to publish another book as long as he lives, popular authors don't want to be George Lucas'ed, no old fat people, #MoneyandPussy, hashtag-mania, Melisandre's magic necklace, Trumpian - the verb, Game of Thrones spoilers, popstars and useless heroes, boink 'em all! Follow us on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook!

  • 066 - Trumputians and Celebutante Wisdom

    08/05/2016 Duración: 58min

    Our listeners may not be human, Putin on the Ritz, orange is the new Trump, naked leg wrestling, The Trumputians, which version of America was the greatest, all politics is comedy, boring conversation, timely comedy is hard and has a short lifespan, Game of Thrones spoilers, make old age special effects makeup, GILFs, It's a Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring World, teenage celebutante wisdom, My Two Moms, Honey Boo Boo versus the Kardashian's popularity, gender flipping gimmickry, more interesting ways to remake Ghostbusters and Reservoir Dogs, exploring a Kardashian remake of an 80s blockbuster: the Kardashian Bunch, Kardashian's Isle, Cinco de Mayo, Civil War, three scarlets, Rey the Jedi Star Wars series, top five superheroes in order of importance to pop culture and the hierarchy of the super hero pantheon across the comic publishers, super hero comics versus serious comics, Donald Trump puppet ideas, and Chinese owned television. Follow the Desperate Mothers on iTunes,

  • 065 - BBC DGAF and a Purple Rainy Day

    30/04/2016 Duración: 54min

    The BBC doesn't care if you die before the next season of Doctor Who premieres, fracking the Earth, government television, recording over seasons, losing generations, The Munsters compared to Dark Shadows, a new companion for the Doctor, Jack explains the Whovian's partners in time and paradoxes, octopi, fifty years of the Doctor, profit driven television, the FCC channel presents non-offensive programming all day every day, Captain America Fatal Attraction, super smooth spidey costume, video game graphics in a movie, good 3d, crazy eighties, Imax versus 3d, George r r Martin looking forward to the premiere of GoT, Why George Martin won't write another book, posthumous releases, the legend plan, The Purple One passes, the loss of Prince, Purple Rainy day, patches and swag supporting the show, follow us on the website, tumblr, twitter, and youtube to learn more!

  • 064 - Nerd Demographic and the Primary of Thrones

    12/04/2016 Duración: 56min

    Star Wars The Force Awakens further thoughts, jedi non sense, Rogue One trailer, gender swapping movie roles, International TableTop Day, the nerd demographic, George R R Martin going out on top, not like Kobe Bryant, Game of Thrones dynamic, The House of Trump, Wizarding World of Harry Potter Universal amusement park attraction, Star Wars first viewing, hopelessly nerdy, and please don't hate Jack, Felicia Day!

  • 063 - Donald Trump V The Last Old Man of Krypton

    18/03/2016 Duración: 49min

    Saint Paddy's Day, Jameson Irish Whiskey Caskmates, craft brew enthusiasts, google cars will save us all, all terrain quadruped robot cars, middle class American pride in automobile ownership, the flat tax lie, a poor man's burden, warning: extreme socialist thinking, Trump refusing debates, Bernie's chops, the politics of Batman V. Superman, The Last Old Man of Krypton, Marvel's Captain America Civil War movie, the new X-Men Apocalypse movie, X-men is a time/mindbender, sports references made, grand slam versus hat trick, Cristiano Rinaldo gets high tech shoes like Back to the Future, stills from movie shoots don't look like the trailers, codpieces, Peepshow Menagerie's Moon Tease, older Sailor Moon fans, Jack's loud whooping surprises his neighbors, Popeye burlesque show ideas, current puppet show plans, ditching WonderCon, dissed by San Diego Comic Con again, onion plans to break walls and wrap up.

  • 062 - Deadpool's Leap Year and Third Wheels

    02/03/2016 Duración: 53min

    Sex flesh, modern sex toys, arousing plastic, Netscape Navigator, edging with internet explorer, Deadpool movie opening sold out weekend, gut to gut contact, sexy fat blob, the merc with the mouth is a funny, sexy killer, a firefly in the x-men movie, Supergirl and Deadpool's girlfriend take off their clothes in Homeland, Batman v Superman, comic con tickets impossible to get, upcoming Captain America movie, Civil War, Fox's new Fantastic Four movie, recasting the Wonder Woman role, cleaning up and unpacking the studio, The Womb is where bad ideas are born, new puppet channel, trivia games, and a shout out to Peepshow Menagerie and the upcoming Sailor Moon themed show 'Moon Tease.'

  • 061 – Boss Fights and National Deadpool Month

    03/02/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    Post Op VSG, contagious plumbing maladies, repainting, house color featured in videos, the upcoming world record rematch, Pizza Hut deals and drinking old school beers, hipster beer, expensive six packs, artificially increasing the price of gasoline and beer, craft brews versus colored water, pooping happiness, support local breweries, the upcoming elections, things that started as a dare, gun control studies are verboten, the NMA to counter the NRA, Walking Dead versus Into the Badlands, submissive, bottoms, and a dominatrix, the super fighter and ultimate badass, one man versus armies, boss level fights, wire fu, peter pan fights, the matrix innovations, the wrong title is recalled for a Shaw Brothers classic, bracelet time, Game of Resurrections, national Deadpool month, marvel mature subject matter, Wolverine gets the girl, Wolverine's seventh bone, Micronauts new comic book, new Batman versus Superman movie what-ifs, the man from U.N.C.L.E., interest in cold war movies, Trump v

  • 060 - Shades of Hate and Stockholm Viewing

    26/01/2016 Duración: 51min

    Studio talk, hanging puppets, reconstruction, still work being done, the puppet workshop, romantic tragedies, life and death struggles, spoilers, trivia games, listener engagement, spin the wheel of meat, camera use, high resolution, buying politicians, meat shakes equal subscribers, film location troubles, The Hateful Eight, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Spoiler alerts, tricks designed to deceive the audience, shades of gray, difficult circumstances, doomed names, watching the badlands, low budget Asian cinema fans, Stockholm syndrome will make a fan out of CJ, like and subscribe to our YouTube channel, Jack's performance on the timer wraps it up.

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