Sermons From Aberdeen Christian Fellowship



We are an independent evangelical baptist church situated in Aberdeen, Scotland.


  • The response of the Wise Men to Jesus

    18/12/2023 Duración: 33min

    In the third Advent message Vijay looks at the response of the Wise Men to the birth of Jesus.

  • Responses to Jesus - Herod

    18/12/2023 Duración: 33min

    In the second of the Advent series, Derek speaks from Matthew 2 looking at King Herod's hostility to the new born Jesus.

  • Anticipating Jesus

    18/12/2023 Duración: 28min

    Vijay commences the Advent series - The Israelites longed for Jesus but not everyone accepted him 

  • Kingdom Greatness

    19/11/2023 Duración: 32min

    In this sermon by Vijay Pillai, the focus is on biblical greatness, contrasting it with worldly views of power. Using Matthew 20:17-28, Pillai highlights Jesus' teaching that true greatness in God's Kingdom lies in serving and sacrificing for others, as exemplified by Jesus himself. The sermon urges believers to follow this model of selfless service and humility, emulating Christ's example.

  • Undeserved Generosity

    19/11/2023 Duración: 33min

    In this sermon by Florence McKenzie, the theme of "Undeserved Generosity" is explored through the parable of the vineyard workers from Matthew 20:1-16. Emphasizing that in the Kingdom of Heaven, all who come to faith, regardless of timing, receive God's grace and the gift of eternal life. McKenzie highlights the importance of gratitude over entitlement, and warns against the dangers of assumptions, discontentment, and jealousy in one's faith journey.

  • The Rich Young Ruler

    19/11/2023 Duración: 31min

    In this sermon by David, he explores the theme of true perfection and surrender in Christianity, focusing on the story of the rich young ruler from Matthew 19. David emphasizes that perfection is only attainable through Christ, not through our own efforts to follow the law. He underlines the importance of surrendering worldly attachments to fully commit to Christ, which, though costly, offers greater heavenly rewards. The sermon concludes with the message that we should prioritize what is truly valuable in Christ over worldly possessions.

  • Marriage, Divorce, Singleness & Children

    19/11/2023 Duración: 39min

    Cherie Young explores Matthew 19:1-15, focusing on marriage, divorce, singleness, and children. She emphasizes Jesus' high standards for these relationships, contrasting them with the cultural norms of His time. Young highlights the sacredness of marriage, the serious grounds for divorce, and the dignity and value of women and children in Jesus' teachings. She also uplifts singleness as a noble choice and underscores the need for grace and humility in striving to meet these high standards.

  • Forgiveness

    21/10/2023 Duración: 34min

    In this sermon by James McKenzie, he discusses forgiveness based on Matthew 18:21-35. He starts by sharing the parable of the unforgiving servant, highlighting how God forgives us completely. James then addresses common misconceptions about forgiveness, emphasizing that it doesn't mean excusing, doesn't always lead to reconciliation, and doesn't require forgetting. He encourages us to seek God's grace to forgive others as they have been forgiven.

  • Lost

    21/10/2023 Duración: 38min

    In this sermon by David Young, he delves into Matthew 18 and explores how Jesus responds to those who wander and sin. He emphasizes the importance of addressing sin within the church community and offers a model for confronting it with love and grace. Discover how Jesus pursues the wanderer and seeks their restoration while learning how we, as believers, can follow his example in dealing with sin among us.

  • True Greatness

    08/10/2023 Duración: 34min

    In this sermon, speaker Vijay Pillai discusses the concept of greatness as defined by Jesus and contrasts it with societal notions of prominence and power. He emphasizes the importance of humility and warns against causing others to stumble in their faith. Pillai also highlights the need to deal with sin in our lives and the eternal consequences of failing to do so. Ultimately, he calls for self-examination and a commitment to follow Jesus with humility and a focus on serving others.

  • Death and Taxes

    08/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    In this sermon by Cheri Young, we explore two key moments in Jesus's life. First, he predicts his own death to prepare his disciples for the future. Then, he demonstrates his identity as a king by addressing the issue of taxes. While Jesus has the authority to exempt himself, he chooses not to cause offense and pays the temple tax. This sermon highlights how Jesus, as our king, willingly embraced the human experience, from everyday struggles to ultimate sacrifice, showing empathy and grace to all.

  • The God Who Is in Control

    08/10/2023 Duración: 18min

    In this sermon by Vijay Pillai, we explore the theme of human helplessness and the need for faith in Christ Jesus. Pillai highlights how we often feel out of control due to various factors in life, such as illness, external forces, and even supernatural influences. He emphasizes that the only answer to human helplessness is faith in Jesus, who has ultimate control over all aspects of life. Through faith in Christ, we can find hope and trust in Him, allowing Him to be in control.

  • The Glorious Christ

    08/10/2023 Duración: 34min

    Florence McKenzie's sermon, titled "The Glorious Christ," explores the transfiguration of Jesus on a high mountain. In this sermon, she emphasizes six key questions: what, when, where, who, why, and how. The transfiguration reveals the essential and eternal divine nature of Jesus, strengthening the disciples for the difficult times ahead.

  • Following the Messiah

    08/10/2023 Duración: 33min

    In this sermon, Speaker Vijay Pillai emphasizes the importance of understanding Jesus as the Messiah who suffered, died, and was resurrected, contrary to popular expectations of a triumphant Messiah. He highlights the need for followers to accept suffering and self-denial as part of their discipleship, emphasizing that living for eternity matters more than temporal pursuits. The sermon concludes with a call to follow Jesus faithfully even in the face of difficult choices.

  • Jesus the true King on route to His coronation.

    27/08/2023 Duración: 39min

    In this sermon by Derek McHardy, he delves into the Gospel of Matthew, emphasizing the revelation and significance of Jesus' identity. Exploring the journey of the disciples' understanding, he likens it to characters in a movie who gradually unveil hidden truths. Derek highlights the multi-layered nature of Matthew's Gospel, reflecting the mature reflection of an eyewitness, and introduces a series on Jesus as the true king. The sermon touches on the recognition of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God, and explores potential misconceptions and the importance of submitting to Jesus' authority. Matthew 16v13 - 20​

  • Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

    27/08/2023 Duración: 33min

    Vijay Pillai discusses the theme of fear, exploring its different aspects and how it affects us. He shares how fear is a natural emotion, but it can be eased through trust in the perfect love of God, as revealed in Christ. Using verses from both the Old and New Testaments, he emphasizes that God's love can calm our fears and invites us to trust in Him, regardless of the circumstances we face. The sermon highlights how perfect love drives out fear and encourages listeners to embrace this truth in their lives.

  • Why Jesus matters

    27/08/2023 Duración: 16min

    In this sermon by James McKenzie, he discusses why Jesus matters in three key aspects. Firstly, he emphasizes Jesus' unique identity as both fully God and fully human, highlighting how Jesus' divinity and humanity come together in an extraordinary way. Secondly, McKenzie delves into Jesus' historical significance, explaining that Jesus' death on the cross was a pivotal event that addressed the problem of sin and offered salvation to humanity. Lastly, he looks ahead to the future, discussing Jesus' role as the ultimate judge and the promise of eternal life for believers. 

  • The Trinity Understanding the Nature of God

    27/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    In this sermon by David Young, he explores the doctrine of the Trinity and its significance for understanding the nature of God. He emphasizes that the Trinity is a complex yet essential teaching of the Christian faith. David discusses the challenges of comprehending the Trinity and highlights three mistakes to avoid: trying to fill in the blanks, drawing inadequate comparisons, and defining God in human terms. He breaks down the Trinity into four key points: the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there is one eternal God in three distinct persons. David uses biblical references, including Genesis 1 and Matthew 3, to illustrate the presence of the Trinity in scripture.

  • Going for gold

    27/08/2023 Duración: 33min

    Join Florence as she shares a message about running the race of life with purpose and self-control. Drawing inspiration from athletic events and biblical passages in First Corinthians and Hebrews, Florence encourages us to engage in strict training by immersing ourselves in God's Word, to run with the purpose of exalting and pleasing Christ, and to practice self-control in various areas of our lives. Just as athletes strive for gold, Florence urges us to seek the eternal prize of following Christ with dedication and endurance.

  • Five misconceptions that nearly cost a man God's blessing

    29/07/2023 Duración: 36min

    In this sermon based on 2 Kings 5:1-19, James McKenzie explores the theme of misconceptions that nearly cost Naaman, a high-ranking Syrian army officer, God's blessing. Naaman learns valuable lessons of humility, obedience, and faith as he seeks healing from his leprosy. Through his encounter with the prophet Elisha, Naaman's heart is transformed, leading him to a place of gratitude, worship, and ultimately, experiencing God's peace.

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