A community of faith, love, and hope. Mosaic Lincoln is a community characterized by both a deep faith in Jesus Christ and a great love for the city of Lincoln and its people. It is at the intersection of these two great loves that our community walks and it is the combination of the two that has led us to start this new church.
Status: Week Three (Finding the Two)
27/03/2011 Duración: 33minThis week we continue our conversation about some of the unique challenges and opportunities that we are faced with when we seek to honor God in singlehood, dating and marriage. In our second gathering, we begin to discuss "finding the two"...
Status: Week Two (Finding the One)
20/03/2011 Duración: 34minThis week we continue our conversation about some of the unique challenges and opportunities that we are faced with when we seek to honor God in singlehood, dating and marriage.In our second gathering, we begin to discuss finding the one...
Status: Week 1 (Time for a DTR)
15/03/2011 Duración: 30minJoin us as we begin our first series called: Status. Where we will explore some of the unique challenges and opportunities that we are faced with when we seek to honor God in singlehood, dating and marriage.In our first gathering, we began at the end asking this question: what's God's purpose for marriage?
Launch Day!
06/03/2011 Duración: 26minLead Pastor, Aaron Loy, delivered this awesome and challenging message during our first Mosaic Lincoln gathering.
A Very Dangerous Prayer
13/02/2011 Duración: 41minIn this message recorded at Rivertree Church, pastor Aaron Loy presents the controversial idea that how we pray and what we pray for largely affect both how God responds and what He chooses to do or not do through our lives. For more information, visit