Moment Of Clarity With Stefan G.

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Join Stefan G. as he offers perspective and insight to life's various experiences. Uncover perspective on Christianity and the Bible and Stefan G. offers a distinct view of life as a follower of Jesus.


  • EPISODE 103 – Removing Toxic People


      Sometimes you feel like people just have to go!  They don’t add to your life and your walk with God and you feel as if they are just toxic to be around.  But is that biblical?  Aren’t Christians called to be the “salt of the earth”?  On today’s show we discuss when or IF [...]

  • EPISODE 102 – Positioned for Purpose


    This show is all about putting yourself in position to discover and then achieve your purpose! Stefan and Tina talk about what purpose looks like, ways to find your purpose, how your purpose is not always supposed to be your career, and the challenges and victories that lie in a life of purpose.

  • EPISODE 101 – When God Doesn’t Come Through


    Life can be filled with broken promises and unanswered prayers.  But what should we do when God has let us down?  How does our response impact our lives?  Our faith?  On today’s show, Tina and Stefan talk about being angry at God.

  • EPISODE 100 – Nice for What


    Have we all gotten too sensitive?  Is there a place for direct truth from Christians today?  On this show, we find out how understanding Christians should really be, and look for the dividing line between truth and love.  Also, Joy tells us why she is just now eating grapes for the first time in her [...]

  • EPISODE 99 – Expectations


    Should we really live our lives with no expectations?  Is it realistic to give to others with no expectation of return?  On today’s show Stefan and the crew tackle these questions as they pertain to life and ministry… and out new host Joy, gets her first taste of life on Moment of Clarity!

  • EPISODE 98 – Christian Acceptance


    On today’s show, Stefan welcomes Mike back to the show and they talk about the role of acceptance in Christianity. Are we as accepting to others as we should be? Or is it possible that Christians have already accepted too much from American culture and society?  

  • EPISODE 97 – Return of the G


    It’s the first day of the official return of Moment of Clarity and I have so much to share with you all.  On today’s show I share the incident that will change this radio show forever, and hopefully the lives of all those who listen.  I invite you to check out the reintroduction of Moment [...]

  • EPISODE 96 – Transtions


    I’m back BABY!!  On today’s episode, I’m outlining the single roadblock most people encounter that keeps them from making the most of their season of transition.  How do we know when we’re in a stage of transition?  Better yet, how do ensure we make the most of the transition we are in?  Find out on today’s Moment [...]

  • EPISODE 95 – Struggle for Humility


    In a world that glorifies self-promotion, how do we maintain the humility Christ has called us to?  Selfies and self-proclaimed gurus engulf our society and our media consumption. In today’s show, Mike and Stefan talk about how we can make sure we are promoting Christ and not becoming another self-promoting fad.

  • EPISODE 94 – Preparing for the New Year


    Discover how to make 2017 you BEST YEAR EVER!!!  No seriously!  Today’s show walks you through the simple steps to make sure your new year is EXACTLY what you need for growth, peace, prosperity, and love!!

  • EPISODE 93 – Spiritual Growth


    Want to know what’s keeping you from acheiving the growth you desire in your life?  There is a practical answer for you!  Regardless of how you may feel, Jesus wants you to advance in your life. Whether it be on your job, in your relationships, with your family, or surely in your faith… He wants [...]

  • EPISODE 92 – Reaching Generations


    There is a divide growing between generations.  It’s happening in many aspects of our growing society, but one place where it is most prevalent is the church.  How can we reach the next generation effectively so they can carry on the mission Jesus gave to us all?

  • EPISODE 91 – Hearing God’s Voice


    How do you hear God’s voice? It’s one of the biggest questions Christians regularly ask. Does God still speak to people?  Is He speaking to me? Was that me or was that God? Kym and Stefan address all these questions on today’s show.

  • EPISODE 90 – Intentional Living


    Your life can be better than you ever dreamed, if you are willing to give thought to the purpose, the plan and the process of your future.  This is intentional living.  And this is the place where you are living out a life strategically designed for you.

  • EPISODE 89 – YOUR Social Media Ministry


    Many Christians are ruining our ability to minister to others because of how we use social media. Since much of life’s discourse has moved from face-to-face conversations to online interactions, should Christians be more responsible with their posts, pages, tweets, likes, shares, and downloads?

  • EPISODE 88 – What Men Want – part 3


    If you are sensitive, you might not want to hear this show!! The question was asked, what is the ONE thing men believe women should stop doing right now?! The guys were asked to name things women could change in order to find themselves in more positive and loving relationships. The guys answered.

  • EPISODE 87 – What Men Want – part 2


    Apparently men are NOT attracted to independent women. At least that is what the men on our panel confessed. The illustration that society has given the “independent” woman is not what men are looking for in potential mates, and evidently it will keep ladies single.

  • EPISODE 86 – What Men Want – part 1


    After spending over a month hearing the women’s side of the story, Stefan brings in the guys to respond.  The men sit down and relay EXACTLY what men want AND men are thinking from the man’s perspective.  Today we cover what men are looking for in the women they desire to pursue.

  • EPISODE 85 – Where are the Good Men? pt4 (engaging the relationship)


    It’s the 4th and FINAL installment of our ladies night round table series.  Today we make our way through the friendzone and discuss actually engaging the relaionship past the friendship.  The talks go deeper as we discover how women can uncover whether he is actually a “good man” or not.

  • EPISODE 84 – Where are the Good Men? pt3 (making the connection)


    As we go into part 3 of our ladies round table series, we make our way out of the friend zone and attempt to discover HOW men and women can actually make a connection.  Stefan asks the question, how can we help men learn the importance of friendship to women?  This one gets REALLY good!!

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