East Parkway Church



East Parkway Church sermons


  • The Gift of a "God Story"


    In sermon #47 from the Book of Acts, Pastor Wayne Griswold points out that the greatest, most persuasive explanation of faith in God is a life transformed by Jesus.

  • May I Make an Appeal?


    In Wayne Griswold's 46th sermon in Acts, we see three applications from the responses of three different people.

  • Our Confession and Call


    In this 45th sermon on the book of Acts, Wayne Griswold elaborates on how Paul's confession of faith is ours also, even as the call of faith is universal as well.

  • Reacting to the Resurrection


    Wayne Griswold reminds us that the hope of new life still dawns on us today in the reality, remembrance, and response to the resurrection.

  • A Prayer for the People of God


    Wayne Griswold unpacks Paul's prayer in Ephesians 1:15-23.

  • A Kingdom Unlike Any Other


    From Jesus' actions and teachings, we see that the Kingdom of God is unique and might be different from what we would expect.

  • Spiritual Intimacy While Social Distancing


    Andrei Yaholkovsky looks to Psalm 121 for six truths regarding how to view and trust in the Lord during times of trouble.

  • Gifts, Worship, Christology


    Guest preacher Dr. David Nystrom wraps up his series in 1 Corinthians by covering Chapters 14-16, which touch on things involving gifts of the Spirit, orderliness in services, and the resurrection.

  • True Community


    In sermon 4 of 5 in 1 Corinthians, Dr. David Nystrom explores themes of living together as the body of Christ in how we approach spiritual gifts, communion, head coverings, and more.

  • Matters of Morality, Matters of the Spirit


    Dr. David Nystrom gives an overview of the theological and practical matters Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 7-9. Sermon number 3 of 5 of the 1 Corinthians series.

  • Hearers and Doers


    From James 1, Andrei Yaholkovsky considers what it means to be hearers and doers of the Word, as well as five expectations God has for us.

  • You Are the Salt


    Tim French looks at how salt is used literally and figuratively throughout the Bible and in different cultures throughout history and considers how that relates to the call for Christians to be the salt of the earth.

  • Grace, Party of 2!


    From the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, Sean Kenney points out what grace means, how we can show it, who deserves it, and why we need it.

  • Growing Pains


    In Dr. Nystrom's second sermon in 1 Corinthians, the apostle Paul addresses such topics as self worth, sin versus grace, and the relationship between body and soul.

  • Paul, the Theological Fix-It Man


    In his opening sermon on the book of 1 Corinthians, Dr. David Nystrom describes the historical, societal, and theological background of the book.

  • Be Kind to Yourself


    Budge Currier looks to Jesus' comments about loving your enemy as yourself as a springboard for developing a biblical self image.

  • I Will Remember


    When overwhelmed with trouble and feeling like there is no relief in sight, do not relent in remembering the character and works of God. - Tim French, preaching on Psalm 77

  • Living an Abundant Life


    Budge Currier looks to 2 Peter for some important elements of living an abundant life: confessing our sin, walking in the way of the Lord, and sharing God's love with others.

  • Adoring the King


    Even the birth of Jesus reveals the He is King, and we should come to Him with longing, worship, and joy. - Wayne Griswold, The King Has Come series, sermon #3 of 3

  • Announcing the King


    Andrei Yaholkovsky points out four important truths about Christ the King that we can glean from the angel's announcement of the birth of Jesus. The King Has Come series, sermon #2 of 3

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