Rawkin Radio



Revvell Revati and guests talk about raw food, living food, weight loss, health, nutrition and more. Some of her guests include Victoria Boutenko, David Wolfe, Matt Monarch, Brenda Cobb, Dr. Doug Graham and MANY more! Hear their stories from a different perspective.. how did they do it? Transition or jump right in? Did they detox and if so, what happened? Hear Philip McCluskey\'s story of eliminating 200 pounds in 2 years. Do they use supplements? What and who changed around them? How do they stay raw when traveling? Hear these stories and many more as Revvell gets into their lives. Revvell Revati is the author of Smoothies and Smoozies for Life and is and the creator of the Revvellutionize Your Life In 30 Days Self-Empowering system. Besides Rawkin Radio, check out her other shows ~ CelebratingYourPotential.com; NaturalProductsRadio.com and TheBookCrawler.com.


  • Revvell interviews long-time raw foodist Storm Talifero

    09/12/2008 Duración: 36min

    Storm Talifero is a 30 year plus raw foodist. His pictures tell his story. His life unfolds during this interview from having a heart attack at the age of 18 to evolving into the raw food vegan he is today. He speaks about assisting his wife Jinjee in home-birthing their four children and what his role is in raising them. Storm has been eating a raw-vegan diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds in their natural unheated state for over 30 years and has become known amongst raw-vegans for his body builder’s physique. At 57 he appears decades younger. The post Revvell interviews long-time raw foodist Storm Talifero appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell interviews long-time raw foodist Storm Talifero appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell Interviews Spiritual Player and Raw Food Sherpa, Dhrumil Purohit

    02/12/2008 Duración: 33min

    In this interview we find out who Dhrumil is and his background. We talk about the “honeymoon phase” of eating raw, dealing with old “stuff” and not suppressing it with food. He explains a quick “Falling Still” meditation showing how easy it is to take a moment to come back to ourselves thereby releasing stress. We also talk about the importance of community. You can find out more about Dhrumil by going to his websites: Give it to Me Raw and We Like it Raw. Injoy, The post Revvell Interviews Spiritual Player and Raw Food Sherpa, Dhrumil Purohit appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Interviews Spiritual Player and Raw Food Sherpa, Dhrumil Purohit appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell Interviews Another Long-Time Raw Food Advocate, Jimi Igo

    20/11/2008 Duración: 31min

    James learned about Natural Hygiene in his youth and became an ardent follower of Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, who defined and developed the science, laying down guidelines for food combining and fasting with an emphasis on raw, whole foods. James had his share of health challenges during childhood, including being born crippled and undergoing successful but invasive surgeries. He also had asthma and suffered a collapsed lung. He has been exploring the relationship between diet and health ever since he responded favorably to the whole foods vegan diet his doctor suggested for him when he was about 10 years old. James was fortunate to be raised in the indigenous California lifestyle by his grandparents on the San Pasqual Indian reservation. They spoke the native Kumeyaay tongue & ate the traditional acorn mush, seeds, vegetables and fruit in season, and resisted the sugar, refined wheat and meat introduced by the invading cultures. Some of his other relatives, cousins, including an aunt, worked at Dr. Bernard Jense

  • Revvell Interviews Raw Foods Chef, Paul Nison

    12/11/2008 Duración: 27min

    Paul Nison, raw foods chef, educator and motivational speaker, has been featured on The Food Network and in several magazines and newspapers. He travels worldwide giving lectures and classes on raw food nutrition and preparation to show people how easy and fun the raw lifestyle can be. Paul Nison was completely healed from inflammatory bowel disease through eating a raw food diet. He coaches those suffering from all diseases on how to get better. If you would like to enquire further about how he was cured and how you can improve your health, please read his book “Healing Inflammatory Bowel Disease”. The principles in this book will help everyone improve their health regardless of their condition. Click here to get the book Click

  • Revvell Interviews Sunfired Food Advocate Dr. Aris Latham

    04/11/2008 Duración: 33min

    I heard Dr. Latham speak at Agape a few weeks before doing this interview. He’s been around for quite some time yet, not many who are new to the raw/living food world know who he is. He’s been eating this way for almost 30 years. At the presentation his assistant made the most delicious “savory pie”. It was incredible to have greens in the pie. The combination was amazing. One of the things I had to ask Dr. Latham was, “Since you have someone who makes your food, do you eat this way every day?” You’ll find the answer in this interview. More on Dr. Latham: DR. ARIS LATHAM has been a ‘raw foodist’ for the past 28 years. He has catered raw and vegetarian food all over the world, including for the U.S. Congress and major stars like Lauryn Hill, Cecile Tyson, Erykah Badu, Sidney Poitier, and Ben Vereen ­ all vegetarians. Dr. Aris LaTham explains what the raw food diet is all about. Dr. Aris LaTham has a Master’s degree in Linguistics and a Ph.D. in Food Science. He has been featured on major television stations in

  • Revvell interviews Philip McCluskey Again!

    28/10/2008 Duración: 34min

    Philip stopped by the studio on his way to a local meetup here in SoCal so I had the pleasure of his company for a short time. I found out more about who he is, what he’s looking to do with his new-found fame; any fears he may have, his marital status and how he makes his money! Yes, I do get down and personal. As the “biggest-loser”, he took it in great stride and with the utmost humour. It’s always a joy to be around Philip. Check out his site. Enjoy! Revvell The post Revvell interviews Philip McCluskey Again! appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell interviews Philip McCluskey Again! appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell Interviews Her Long-Time Teacher, Rocannon MacGregor

    21/10/2008 Duración: 57min

      As I say in my introduction, if it weren’t for this man, I’d not be doing what I’m doing today. There was a fair chance, I’d not even be alive today. I set up this interview to introduce you to someone who’s not very well-known yet should be. I was lucky to find him in 1986 at a health convention I’d been attending for about 9 years. He’d been there every time yet, as they say, "… when the student is ready…" I wasn’t sure I was ready. There were times when I had to be pulled kicking and screaming into life yet, he persisted in seeing more in me than I saw in myself. He persisted in supporting me when others wouldn’t and I couldn’t. He gave me the foundation to find out who I was and to be me. This is the first interview I’ll do with my teacher of 23 years, Rocannon MacGregor. Enjoy! Revvell   The post Revvell Interviews Her Long-Time Teacher, Rocannon MacGregor appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Interviews Her Long-Time Teacher, Rocannon MacGregor appeared first on Rawkin Radio

  • Revvell Interviews Victoria Boutenko at the Raw Spirit Festival

    14/10/2008 Duración: 25min

      I always enjoy chatting with Victoria Boutenko. This time I managed to catch her in her booth at Raw Spirit Festival without a crowd around her. We spoke about her latest research and what she’s doing now. Changes she’s making; thoughts, ideas and experiences she’s confirmed, tweaked or softened. At one point, I had to ask the question that she said people talk more about than all the research she has done. Listen in to find out what that question is, and the answer to it. Enjoy! Revvell For awesome t’shirts, sweatshirts, bags and more! This special will run out the end of October, ’08. Get it now!! The post Revvell Interviews Victoria Boutenko at the Raw Spirit Festival appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Interviews Victoria Boutenko at the Raw Spirit Festival appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell interviews athletic dancer, model, actress, Tonya Kay

    07/10/2008 Duración: 34min

    "Kill your television and make something, think something, BE something instead!" After reading the words above, I KNEW I was going to like Tonya Kay. Her profile says: 25 year vegetarian, 15 year vegan, and 6 years raw… which makes her 46… or so I asked during our interview. She’s got an amazing sense of humor, an infectious laugh and a great love for life. In this interview we talk about how she chose life over depression, birth control, how she cares for elephants and many other things including her latest leading role. Enjoy! Revvell The post Revvell interviews athletic dancer, model, actress, Tonya Kay appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell interviews athletic dancer, model, actress, Tonya Kay appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell Interviews Dr. Doug Graham

    30/09/2008 Duración: 46min

    Before hearing Dr. Graham speak at the Raw Spirit Festival, I’d heard many things about his 80/10/10 diet. It sounded to me like something that would be REALLY difficult to maintain, too low in fats, etc. After hearing him speak all I could say was "He really makes sense". I immediately went and purchased two books ~ "The 80/10/10 Diet, Balancing Your Health, Your Weight, and Your Life, One Luscious Bite at a Time" and "The New High Energy Diet Recipe Guide ". Dr. Graham makes being raw and being healthy soooo easy. You don’t really have to think about it. This was so good, we went longer than our usual half hour and covered, bloating, supplements, individual differences, cleansing, FAT!, fasting, organic vs. conventional produce, fear of fruit, sprouting and SO much more. You might also want to check out my blog where I mention something he wrote about germs causing disease. Fascinating! The post Revvell Interviews Dr. Doug Graham appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Interviews Dr

  • Revvell Interviews Ruth Heidrich


      “When I was 47 and working on my PhD, I was diagnosed with breast cancer,” said Heidrich in a recent interview with the Maui Weekly. Heidrich underwent surgery to have the malignant lump removed. Unfortunately, further testing showed that the cancer had already spread. “The doctors found hotspots in her bones and also a lesion in her lung. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. The decision to go vegan changed Heidrich’s life. She has authored the book and video, “A Race For Life’ and also wrote “The Race For Life Cookbook”, a guide to cooking delicious and healthy food for optimum health and nutrition. Revvell interviews this amazing woman. The post Revvell Interviews Ruth Heidrich appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Interviews Ruth Heidrich appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell interviews Happy Oasis

    18/09/2008 Duración: 38min

    Previously posted on another site, here it is again ~ in light of having just been to the Raw Spirit Festival. Happy Oasis is the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Raw Spirit Festival, a 501c3 non-profit corporation. When we did this interview, she was in Hawaii, enjoying the lovely weather. We chatted about the Raw Spirit Festival, her life and many other things. Please listen in; I know you’ll enjoy it. www.HappyOasis.com wildvegetarianadventures.com www.RawSpiritFest.com The post Revvell interviews Happy Oasis appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell interviews Happy Oasis appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell Interviews raw athlete, Tim Van Orden ~ Pt. 2

    16/09/2008 Duración: 36min

      In a continuation of our first interview, Revvell and Tim continue chatting about what it means to be raw and an athlete. The post Revvell Interviews raw athlete, Tim Van Orden ~ Pt. 2 appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Interviews raw athlete, Tim Van Orden ~ Pt. 2 appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell Interviews raw athlete, Tim Van Orden

    09/09/2008 Duración: 38min

    This turned out to be an AMAZING interview. Athlete Tim Van Orden tells us how he went from a meat eating diet and a dislike of vegetables to becoming a top marathon and tower racing athlete. As usual we get into the question of protein, water, transitioning to raw and SO much more!!! Part II will be coming up next week! www.RunningRaw.com   The post Revvell Interviews raw athlete, Tim Van Orden appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Interviews raw athlete, Tim Van Orden appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell Interviews Yoga Ambassador Rainbeau Mars

    27/08/2008 Duración: 31min

    Another delightful interview, this time with the daughter of my last interviewee, Brigitte Mars. Rainbeau Mars introduced her mother to living foods. In this interview we talk about her world tour, her partnership with Adidas, raising a daughter on living foods and way more. She’ll be onstage at The Raw Spirit Festival ’08. Rainbeau is the star of 7 best-selling yoga videos and the global ambassador for yoga. Please check out her website ~ Rainbeau Mars. Thank you for listening. httpv://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=AAN21RerDJw  The post Revvell Interviews Yoga Ambassador Rainbeau Mars appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Interviews Yoga Ambassador Rainbeau Mars appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell Interviews Herbalist and Author, Brigitte Mars

    20/08/2008 Duración: 33min

    Brigitte has been working with natural medicine for more than 30 hyears. She teaches herbal medicine through Esalen, the Boulder College of Massage Therapy and Naropa Institute. She is the author of several books, including "Rawsome", "Sex, Love and Health" and "Herbs for Healthy Skin & Nails". I asked Brigitte to be on the show because I saw that she was well-versed in foraging, wild plants and herbs ~ something many are taking an interest in to assist in their food budgets. Some of what we talk about are peoples’ fear of plants, dandelions, spraying our plants, nettle juice, purslane and more. We also talked about her book "Rawsome" which I reviewed earlier in my blog. Listen in… I’m sure you’ll learn something from this enchanting conversation. Revvell The post Revvell Interviews Herbalist and Author, Brigitte Mars appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Interviews Herbalist and Author, Brigitte Mars appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell Interviews Producers of “Food Matters”

    13/08/2008 Duración: 34min

    httpv://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=r4DOQ6Xhqss Food matters is a hard hitting, fast paced look at our current state of health. Despite billions of dollars of funding and research into new, so-called cures, we continue to suffer from a raft of chronic ills and every day maladies. Patching up an over-toxic and over-indulgent population with a host of toxic therapies and nutrient-sparse foods is definitely not helping the situation. On "Food Matters", you’ll get to join the world’s leading authorities on nutrition and natural healing as they uncover the true cause of disease, find out what works, what doesn’t, and what’s killing you. This film gives you and your family options and choices and could save your life and/or the lives of those you love. FoodMatters sets about the uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide "sickness industry", and exposes a growing body of scientifice evidence proving that nutritional therapy can be more effective, more economical, less harmful andless invasive than most conventional medica

  • Revvell interviews Shazzie!

    15/07/2008 Duración: 35min

    This interview went everywhere but where I expected it to. We talked about breastfeeding, outgassing from furniture, nutrients during pregnancy and for children, transitioning and more. Shazzie was born in Yorkshire, England on 23rd of January 1969. At the age of 16 she became a vegetarian and was an ethical vegan 2 years later. At the age of 30, Shazzie became a raw foodist for health reasons. For almost four years she ate an exclusively raw vegan diet, then, during pregnancy, she ate some cooked food due to cravings and sickness. Now, she’s about 95% raw, and is happy there. Becoming a raw foodist was an intrinsic part of her journey towards mental, spiritual and physical freedom. In 2004, Shazzie gave birth to her beautiful daughter Evie. She’s also a raw foodist, and is breastfed, unvaccinated, co-sleeps and is as natural as someone can be in the UK! She’s happy, intelligent and very healthy. Shazzie and Evie live together in Cambridge, UK. Check out her website here. Revvell Bodacious Living Hot T-Shirts

  • Revvell Interviews Triathlete Brendan Brazier

    08/07/2008 Duración: 32min

    Brendan was introduced to me by Mark Perlmutter of Raw Summit fame, who I’d interviewed on this program awhile back. I gave him a call and he took time from his busy schedule to have a chat here. Of course we talked about his diet before raw and how and when he chose to become raw.  We talked about how other athletes view him, staying raw while traveling, how he keeps weight on, how important is water; is he into "super foods", caffeine and colonics. We spoke about his book, The Thrive Diet which is a good transition book for people who wish to go raw as it’s plant-based with raw options. Enjoy! Revvell Bodacious Living Sweeeeet T-Shirts, Mugs and Bags The post Revvell Interviews Triathlete Brendan Brazier appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Interviews Triathlete Brendan Brazier appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

  • Revvell interviews Philip McCluskey

    01/07/2008 Duración: 32min

    In this in-studio interview, Revvell and Philip discuss how Philip eliminated 200 pounds in two years, on the living foods program. Revvell then asks Philip questions many people who are beginning want to know such as ~ did you go 100% immediately or transition? Did you consume nuts? Count calories? Exercise? We also spoke about the after effects of eliminating so much weigh/fat in such a relatively short time such as loose skin. How does Philip travel and stay raw? These and many other questions were answered in this enlightening interview with someone who did it and went all the way. Enjoy! Revvell Revvellations Hot T-shirts, bags, mugs and more! The post Revvell interviews Philip McCluskey appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell interviews Philip McCluskey appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.

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