Ruth Institute Podcast



Making Marriage Cool -- Standing up for Traditional Marriage


  • Prop 8 Update

    17/02/2010 Duración: 10min

    (February 16, 2010) The San Francisco Chronicle broke the story last week: Justice Walker, presiding over the Prop 8 federal court case on whether to overturn the decisive will of the voters of California, is a homosexual.  Frustratingly, the news on the case up to this point has been about all the leniency and powers of intrusive investigation Judge Walker has granted to the pro-gay-marriage side of the case (which have been struck down by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, of all places).  Dr J has more on the issue...

  • Is Marriage Equality Possible?

    11/02/2010 Duración: 58min

    (February 9, 2010) Columbia University's Federalist Society hosts a debate between Dr J and Professor Katherine Franke based on the question "Is Marriage Equality Possible?"  About an hour of audio includes opening position (Dr J), arguments (Prof. Franke), and rebuttal (Dr J), as well as a brief question-and-answer period.

  • A Few Mornings After...

    10/02/2010 Duración: 11min

    (February 8, 2010) Dr J snatches a minute between speaking engagements in New York City to appear with Todd Wilken on Issues, Etc., where they discuss Focus on the Family's pro-life ad with Tim Tebow that generated so much pre-game controversy.  She also discusses Gen Y's views on abortion and other axioms of the feminist movement.

  • Values Voters

    05/02/2010 Duración: 12min

    (September 22, 2009) Dr J returns from the Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C., to share some of the topics discussed there.  What does it mean to be a "values voter?"  Dr J touches on economics, morals, culture, and marriage in her explanation.

  • The Myth of Overpopulation

    02/02/2010 Duración: 15min

    (January 26, 2010) Dr J appears on The Drew Mariani Show to discuss the dramatic population decline occurring in the world's industrialized countries.  She also references a two-part documentary (Demographic Winter and Demographic Bomb, in which Dr J herself appears), available here.

  • Bristol Palin and Oprah

    29/01/2010 Duración: 10min

    (January 26, 2010) Oprah was dumbfounded and encouraged Bristol Palin to backtrack and rephrase her pledge to remain abstinent until marriage on a recent episode of her talk show.  Only in the face of Bristol's reiterated commitment did Oprah reluctantly voice encouragement.  The message was clear: that's a silly and nearly impossible goal.  Why couldn't Bristol get with the program and give a feminist-approved answer?  Aspirations to the presidency, a high-powered job, or an environmental mission all would have been acceptable alternatives.

  • Tim Tebow's Superbowl Ad

    28/01/2010 Duración: 10min

    (January 26, 2010) During this year's Superbowl, CBS is airing an ad featuring Tim Tebow.  The ad is proving controversial because Tim thanks his mom for his life (she was facing a difficult situation, and abortion was an option).  NOW and other pro-abortion groups are inscensed that this point is being raised at the Superbowl; Dr J takes some wind out of their sails.  She opens the segment with a joke...

  • Pew finding: Women Marry below their own Education and Income Levels

    22/01/2010 Duración: 11min

    (January 20, 2010) According to a recent study by the Pew Foundation, women are marrying men with lower incomes and education levels than they [the women] have.  No word on whether those women are happy with the arrangement, however.

  • Stepping Stones: The Genesis of Prop 8

    21/01/2010 Duración: 29min

    (January 20, 2010) Dr J discusses her experience with the start of the Prop 8 movement in San Diego: a sham hearing, deaf ears, and the bait-and-switch tactics used by the same-sex "marriage" movement.  She also shares some updates on the federal court case surrounding Proposition 8.

  • 8.5 New Year's Resolutions

    20/01/2010 Duración: 18min

    (January 12, 2010) Dr J shares 8.5 tips for defending marriage in the New Year.

  • Prop 8 in the Federal Courts

    19/01/2010 Duración: 23min

    (January 12, 2010) Proposition 8, the referendum passed in November 2008 that defines marriage between one man and one woman, has survived numerous state-level challenges in the court system.  Ted Olsen and David Boies are leading a controversial federal-level challenge.  Dr J explains some of their tactics and takes them to task on their distortion of Prop 8 supporters' position.

  • On Show Trials

    15/01/2010 Duración: 16min

    (January 5, 2010) Last year, California voters passed Proposition 8--an amendment to the state's constitution defining marriage as "one man, one woman."  After surviving various legal challenges at the state level, it's under attack in the federal court system.  Dr J appears on "Issues, Etc." with Todd Wilken to discuss the proceedings; she also discusses how other legal battles related to homosexual "marriage" are playing out.

  • Egg Harvesting, Part 2

    12/01/2010 Duración: 31min

    (December 8, 2009) Jennifer Lahl continues her interview on "Issues After Dark," fielding questions on adult and embryonic stem cell research, gamete donor anonymity, and more.  (Part 1 of this interview is available here.)  The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network's website can be found at

  • Egg Harvesting, Part 1

    11/01/2010 Duración: 22min

    (December 8, 2009) Jennifer Lahl founded the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network 10 years ago; as a nurse and bioethicist, she is deeply concerned with medical progress at the expense of ethics and safety.  She serves on Ruth Institute's Academic Advisory Board and appears in this segment of "Issues After Dark" to discuss egg harvesting from the donor's persepective.  (Part 2 of this interview is available here.)  Calla Papademas' experience with the fertility industry, referenced in the podcast, is available here.

  • On Egg Harvesting, Means, and Ends

    08/01/2010 Duración: 06min

    (December 8, 2009) So where do the eggs used in fertility treatments come from?

  • E-Marriage = Gay Marriage?

    23/12/2009 Duración: 13min

    (December 15, 2009) If your state doesn't have laws that let you do what you'd like to do, how much can you "shop around" for one with different rules?  Dr J responds to the proposal (stated here by MSU legal researcher Adam Candeub) that we allow homosexual marriages to be performed over the internet.  It may alleviate the state-to-state legal battles appearing all over the United States...or it may be a foot-in-the-door policy like so many others.  How would we ensure that both parties are consenting?  Dr J addresses these concerns and much more on this episode of Issues, Etc.

  • Marriage in a Wider Context

    17/12/2009 Duración: 54min

    (December 17, 2009) This morning, Dr J appeared on Dennis O'Donovan's Florida-based radio show, "Religion, Politics, and Culture."  She discussed a wide range of topics--including equality, the so-called "sandwich generation," socialism, the Catholic Church, and European society--and how they relate to that particular social institution called "marriage."  Movements away from marriage make us all more vulnerable and allow expansion of the power of the state.  This podcast is roughly an hour long.

  • On Sexting

    14/12/2009 Duración: 12min

    (December 4, 2009) "Sexting"--the practice of sending pornographic self-portraits via cell-phone--has become a widespread part of the dating experience among young people.  Dr J unpacks how a casual attitude toward the human body--and sexting is just one of its manifestations--sends shocks through the sexual and emotional parts of your being.

  • Debunking No-Fault Divorce

    30/11/2009 Duración: 12min

    (November 24, 2009) Dr J and Todd Wilken meet on Issues, Etc. to discuss no-fault divorce and its 40-year legacy in Canada and the United States.  The discussion was sparked by Dr. Anne-Marie Ambert's report on the subject, "Divorce: Facts, Causes, and Consequences."

  • Marriage: Love & Life in the Divine Plan

    24/11/2009 Duración: 02min

    (November 18, 2009) The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issues a pastoral letter on the source of marriage and its value to non-religious society.  View the entire letter here in PDF format.

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