Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas



Are you doing all the right things and success still eludes you? Are your relationships or health a struggle? Are you building a coaching or healing business and dont understand why your conversations with people are not as productive as they should be? Transitioning from research physicist to healer was prompted by dysfunctional relationships and failing health. On the Scientific Healing Healing, you will hear about people just like you that struggled with their health and relationships then succeeded. You will hear my best tips for getting yourself healthy, happy, and magnetically attractive to others. Listen in to get those tips and visit my website for more tips and free gifts at or


  • Spiritual Self Transformation with Etienne Charland

    14/11/2016 Duración: 31min

    Last year, I met this astonishingly talented young man who emanates truth every time I hear him speak. Etienne Charland’s vision goes way beyond the physical. Top business people seek his guidance as to what is the correct direction to help their business flourish and grow consciously and gracefully.Etienne Charland’s beginnings belie the spiritual nature of his journey now. Growing up in Quebec, Canada, He started out as a computer geek, in all its technical glory, complete with the highly introverted and nearly xenophobic nature. He knew somehow he was not connected to his true self.So after college, Etienne left his job, sold his car and computer, left his apartment and went abroad seeking answers about how to live life differently. He’s been living all around the world since then, in Finland, Sweden, Spain, France, Thailand, Peru, Colombia and Hungary among other places.He has awakened to the true nature of existence, including concepts and philosophies that are not yet being taught in self-development an

  • Bringing Conscious Creators Together with Jay Fiset

    26/10/2016 Duración: 34min

    Jay Fiset is a very passionate leader and bringer together of brilliance.  He is instigating a global movement of conscious creators.  He hails from amazing Calgary, Canada, where he resides with his wife and two sons.  His family is also one of those things he’s passionate about. There is nothing more satisfying to Jay than helping others  bring out the best in themselves.  When I met him recently, Jay offered everyone in the room, about 75 movement makers, to reflect back to them their life mission or what their next brain trust should be on.  I took him up on it, and he truly is able to see through the fog and noise to get to the core of it.Jay has a program to help people create their own masterminds, which for awakened and aware people would be extremely valuable. I invited Jay on Scientific Healing Radio  to highlight this very important concept where you’ll learn why it’s important for conscious and awakened people to come together and some tips on one to make a successful mastermind happen.  He also h

  • Heal your business with Suzy Prudden

    01/08/2016 Duración: 33min

    Once you’ve caught the entrepreneur bug, it is hard to go back to a 9-5 job.  Health is a result of 8 factors: number 1 is relationships, number 2 is a satisfying career and number 4 is financial health.  These are the factors that contribute to an entrepreneur's health.Suzy Prudden offers a program to help you with all three factors named above. She, as one of the founders of Itty Bitty Publishing, helps you write your first book in the most painless way possible.  But that’s just the beginning: she also helps you build your business into something that can you sustain you and your family with, which is something no other publishing house offers.  Hear Suzy talk enthusiastically about how she helps heal your business in this week's radio show on Scientific Healing Radio.Standout Quotes: "Do what you love and the money will follow, but you don't want to go broke waiting for it to find you." “Not every business is a success and sometimes it just simply doesn't work.” “If it works,

  • Heal your house with Jeff Stegman and Clayten Stedmann

    16/06/2016 Duración: 29min

    Your environment is as important for helping your health, wealth and relationships as it is for your well being.  Your environment contains the energies of those that live in it, those that lived in it before and those that visit it, past and present, whether they are on the physical plane or otherwise. You may have heard of techniques to clear your environment such as smudging, putting salt and water in bowls around your house, Feng Shui, or chanting “om”. Those are all good practices, but there is another way that Jeff and Clayten developed to send high frequency Focused Life Force Energy to your home or business.I have to admit when I first read about and heard about this, I was really confused. What did they mean, they could do this, how did they do it, what was the mechanism. The more I conversed with them and the more I heard, the more I understood. The subtle energies that we send out as people, get radiated out. It contains our thoughts, feelings, intentions, actions, words we think, and everything el

  • 10 Simple Steps to a Healthier You

    11/05/2016 Duración: 46min

    Take charge of your health, wealth and relationships;These deceptively simple steps move you closer to your goals!Orion Talmay recently interviewed me and prepared this awesome checklist from our conversation together. She has a method for getting you to your juiciest self. Here’s that awesome list of simple things you can incorporate in your day to help your energy, health, wealth, and life:Each morning, create a list of everything that you are grateful for and appreciativeof. Gratitude is saying “Thank you,” and appreciation is saying, “I love it.”To avoid adrenal burnout, fatigue and brain fogginess from working too hard:schedule breaks and create a time to stop working and unplug. Stop working each night early enough and unplug from electronics.If you’re an introvert who needs to regenerate after being around large groups ofpeople, use the grounding cord exercise to draw energy down into you andproject it outwards to keep from absorbing other energies.Standout Quotes: “I've worked with at least 250 p

  • The Doorway to Your Success: Removing the Mental and Emotional Barriers with Wendy Darling

    23/03/2016 Duración: 24min

    Dr. Anastasia Chopelas invites Wendy Darling to speak about her Miraculous Loving MethodTM for aligning you to your natural inborn frequency to gently remove the mental and emotional barriers to success in all aspects of your life, including your career, love life, and health.Wendy Darling’s 30 years experience as a transformational expert and management consultant gives her a unique perspective when it comes to relationships. Clients rave about her accurate diagnoses and laser coaching style, bringing profound transformations.For more information or to contact Wendy, go to WendyDarling.comFor those of you ready to talk to me about bringing success into your life the easy way, go to to send me a note or to when you’re ready to take action. Liked this episode? Pay it forward and share it with a friend. Love the show? Write a 5-star review — even one sentence helps us keep bringing you the content you want to hear. More from Dr. An

  • You Can Have a Great Body Without Cravings with Dr. Greg Brown

    16/03/2016 Duración: 26min

    Beat Obesity and Cravings: Change Your Mind to Change Your BodyDr. Anastasia Chopelas invites Dr. Gregory Brown to introduce his alternate and successful approach to help reprogram your mind and DNA so you can get your body lean and healthy without all the starvation and struggle. You’ll hear why 95% of dieters fail and how to one of the 5%.Dr. Gregory Brown’s specialty in psychiatry and forensic psychiatry poised him to be a thought leader in the most prevalent health issue in the US today, overweight and obesity. His educational arc includes Ark. Med. School and Einstein Med. Ctr. to now a professorship at UNLV.Standout Quotes: “As deprivation increases over time, the likelihood of your diet continuing to succeed goes down.” – [Dr. Greg] “If you pick a good diet for you and you have some awesome purpose statements, you’re well on your way to getting started.” – [Dr. Greg] “When you go into that fun space, you forget about going into that insecure, unsafe space.” [Dr. Anastasia]Key Takeaways:  Greg says that

  • What You Don’t Know About Allergies with Dr. Cathie Lippmann

    10/03/2016 Duración: 26min

    What You Don’t Know About Allergies, Myths and FactsHost of ‘Scientific Healing’, Dr. Anastasia Chopelas speaks with alternative medicine expert, Dr. Cathie Lippmann about What You Don’t Know About Allergies, the Myths and Facts. Dr. Lippmann clarifies misconceptions and what you can do to not only discover if your health issue is caused by an allergy, but cure it.After Dr. Lippmann earned her MD from University of Chicago in 1973, she became board certified in psychiatry. Early on, she found limitations in this conventional medicine. She then adopted alternative medicine to treat the whole being, allowing a renewed strength and vitality.Standout Quotes: “Body communicates with our environment, and the body communicates with us. It sends us signals about what agrees with us and what doesn't agree with us.” “I say their immune system is overworking for a reason, because it's being challenged to overwork.” “One of the most common things that people have when I work with them is adrenal insufficiency.”

  • Breaking Free From Ancestral Patterns and Healing Your DNA with Lisa Thomas

    18/02/2016 Duración: 25min

    Dr. Anastasia Chopelas invites Lisa Thomas to describe her unique process for breaking free from ancestral patterns, releasing inherited DNA energy patterns and opening her clients to happiness and prosperity. Her process resolves such issues as anxiety, addictions, fears, troubled relationships and business stagnation.Lisa Thomas developed her highly attuned intuition while working both in corporate America and in her own business. Lisa’s study of subtle healing energies over the last two decades developed into a DNA reprogramming that brings clients profound healing.Standout Quotes: “And I think of emotions as blockages in our body.” “What the body knows, but our conscious mind isn't aware of the same way to say it is as if we have a flower in our garden, and we see a weed shows up in our flower garden.” “For someone to release their own energy, I think the best way to start with that is by changing your mindset.”Key Takeaways: The higher energy emotions have a shorter wavelength or at a higher frequen

  • Uplevel Your Prosperity, Health and Relationships with Feng Shui with PK Odle

    14/02/2016 Duración: 23min

    Dr. Anastasia Chopelas invites P.K. Odle to illuminate how the arrangement of key elements in your home or office affects your prosperity, health and relationships.  She gives you the real low down on Feng Shui and how it works.  Listen in for quick tips you can use right away.Since 1997, P.K. Odle has improved her clients’ Feng Shui influences in both homes and work places.  She is the director of the renown American Feng Shui Institute, which teaches the “I Ching” style, a sister science to acupuncture.Dr. Anastasia Chopelas, author, physicist and the Scientific Healer, is the  founder of Diamond Healing Method, a combination of modern science and ancient healing arts.Standout Quotes:"The energies are the essence of an element."“My vivid life looks like being able to continue to share my knowledge with the world helping people.”“For every problem in a home, there's always a remedy and a solution.”Key Takeaways: PJ read a textbook from the American Fung Shui Institute, where she was influenced

  • A Guide to Passionate Living and an Unlimited Life with Dame Nicole Brandon

    30/09/2015 Duración: 30min

    Dame Nicole Brandon is known internationally as the “Ambassador of Kindness” creating bridges worldwide. From the White House to the United Nations, she is revered for her work in the humanitarian field; and was even knighted in 2013 for her service.Dame Brandon is one of the most sought after speakers in the world today. From health and wellness to wealth and ultimate success, her seemingly unlimited well of information is simply mind boggling. She is passionate about sharing her amazing secrets and remarkable knowledge on stage, screen, TV and in books throughout the world. Her popular radio shows “Unlimited Life”, “Hour Glass Bride” and “Passionate Living” have drawn International acclaim. She is featured in the Best Seller, “Wake Up Women”. Dame Brandon currently hosts two television shows on “Unbridled Living”.I expect to have Nicole on Diamond Healing Radio in the near future telling of how she broke every bone in her body and came back to perform in the Beijing Circus and walk the Great Wall of China n

  • Wouldn’t you love to have a better connection with your intuition?

    28/09/2015 Duración: 29min

    Do you want to be better at healing energetically and thought it was just something you’re born with? Do I know how to improve these things? I am asked about these topics every day.The answer is to learn more about it. And to get training. All healers have been trained by many teachers. It’s just like any thing you learn. You have the brain power, athletic ability, or intuition. In order to use our gifts we need training and practice. No one ever became a lawyer, lab chemist, doctor, engineer without training. Same with healers. The more you know, the more control you have and the more effective you’ll become.Standout Quotes: "You don't want to program the subconscious mind with negative wording, low energy wording, low energy phrases." “It's so warm and comfortable as you feel the excess energy leaving your body.” “The gentler, kinder and more loving way you are treating yourself will be reflected back to you from others.” “Let you be blessed by your Supreme Being that you go about your d

  • Lead Your Own Movement with Your Genius with Eiji Morishita

    08/09/2015 Duración: 30min

    Eiji Morishita, conscious entrepreneur and founder of the Genius Millionaire Academy, speaks about how he helps people create movements that serve and help so many.He also speaks about his dark night of the soul and how he was inspired to create this new business far from his former business. He also talks about his own daily spiritual practices that have helped fuel his success and recovery from a serious physical injury that hampered his ability to earn a living. Please listen to the end, where you will get a free gift that can help guide your own success. Eiji has been unlocking and sculpting genius for over 10 years. It started out in his high-tech days finding out software engineers’ unique gifts and market their genius.  Then he moved to decision makers throughout Silicon Valley.  Finally, he  unlocked his family’s genius positioning them as “America’s First Family of Sushi” garnering media attention, which allowed the restaurant to stand out in a very competitive Los Angeles sushi area.It wasn’t until

  • How Scientific Healing Can Help You, Quickly and Permanently

    09/08/2015 Duración: 29min

    What is scientific healing, anyway?Many people have asked me how I transitioned from being an international research physicist to healing work. In this week’s episode, you’ll hear my story of how I became ill despite taking good care of myself.I didn’t have any of the usual markers for illness. And how I found out that there’s way more to health than just what you eat and how much exercise you get. I discovered over the course of the ensuing years how to become very healthy again, and now I am medication & symptom free and feel awesome most of the time.This of course led to a healing modality that I call the Diamond Healing Method that helps you get healthy no matter what your doctor says. The process is scientific healing. In the show, I also describe two of the protocols I developed that are highly effective at improving your health. Enjoy!Standout Quotes: "I just thought, why can't we have a way to take care of ourselves, that doesn't happen that way." "I worked on people help

  • Radically Transform Your Body with Alisa Slattery – Part 2

    24/02/2015 Duración: 29min

    Let me introduce Alisa Slattery, also known as the Queen of Weight Loss.Alisa wasn’t always in the field of weight loss. In fact, she started her working life in Health Insurance. At the time in Tennessee, it was very difficult to do well in this field, especially for women. Alisa is someone who will buck the status quo just because she can.In the area of fat loss, her moniker, Queen of Weight Loss, is actually a modest one.I know of no one who has had the resounding success of getting so many people lean and have them stay lean. The bane of most diets is rebound and restarting from ground zero or worse. Most weight loss clinics bank on this fact and have you come back time and time again to re-lose the fat you already got rid of. Not Alisa, she wants you to keep it off because she has walked in the shoes of a very overweight person.She has released over 80 lbs of fat and has kept it off for years.Her program was so successful, that doctors in her hometown were sending her one patient after the other because

  • Communicate Effectively and Powerfully with Dave VanHoose

    17/02/2015 Duración: 35min

    Dave VanHoose was Speaking Empire's master platform trainer.He didn't start out this way. He started in the world of sports medicine and worked with a football team in Florida.A massive back injury changed his life forever.Through a circuitous path of success and failure, he is now mentor and speaking coach to some of the most experienced speakers in the world. He can help amplify their platform ability to new levels.He does this by showing them the art and science of communication.Communication is one of the most important tools we have to affect ourselves and the surrounding people. Listen in as Dave gives us some of his important life lessons and wisdom. He is still associated with Speaking Empire as a consultant.Standout Quotes: “We can learn from other people’s mistakes no matter all mistakes. In life, we are on a journey, and it’s all about learning.” – [Dave] “As soon as you say the word “I don’t know,” you instantly take yourself from any positive state and actually shoot it all the way down

  • Radically Transform Your Body with Alisa Slattery, Queen of Weight Loss

    10/02/2015 Duración: 31min

    Let me introduce Alisa Slattery, also known as the Queen of Weight Loss. Alisa wasn’t always in the field of weight loss. In fact, she started her working life in Health Insurance. At the time in Tennessee, it was very difficult to do well in this field, especially for women. Alisa is someone who will buck the status quo just because she can.In the area of fat loss, her moniker, Queen of Weight Loss, is actually a modest one. I know of no one who has had the resounding success of getting so many people lean and have them stay lean. The bane of most diets is rebound and restarting from ground zero or worse. Most weight loss clinics bank on this fact and have you come back time and time again to re-lose the fat you already got rid of. Not Alisa, she wants you to keep it off because she has walked in the shoes of a very overweight person.She has released over 80 lbs of fat and has kept it off for years. Her program was so successful, that doctors in her hometown were sending her one patient after the other becau

  • Overcoming Injury, Autism, Asperger’s and PTSD with Lynette Louise

    06/08/2014 Duración: 29min

     Lynette Louise started life in Canada being a little different from her schoolmates.  It wasn’t until years later that she realized that she had Asperger’s, a high functioning form of autism.  After she had her two biological children,  she sought out others to adopt.  She took on 6 more, 5 of which had learning disabilities and 4 were diagnosed on the spectrum.  She used her own experiences and tested all sorts of therapies on her brood – discovering a path that helped her children move off the spectrum of autism and function in society.  She helps other parents do the same with therapy, talks, books, stand-up comedy and her one woman plays.  She has also discovered that her techniques help all manner of brain injury and PTSD.In this radio show episode, Lynette talks about what it took to raise and educate her children and how she helps others.  She discusses her single most effective therapy for helping the brain lay down new healthy patterns and help bring people out of injury, autism, Asperger’s and PTSD

  • Heal Your Allergies with Dr. Aaron Orpelli

    25/03/2014 Duración: 27min

    Aaron Orpelli was born in Jaffa, Israel.  He attended Southern California Chiropractic College in Pico Rivera, California and graduated in 1995.  He was originally inspired to be a healing practitioner because as a child he was very ill.  Furthermore, he was in the hospital seven times before his tenth birthday.  Each stay lasted from a month to eleven months.  At the age of ten he had a kidney infection and his blood pressure reached 210 over 150.  He thought that he wasn’t going to live to age eleven.  His inspiration to heal started with his fervent desire to be healthy and free from hospitals and medication.  He followed a restricted diet for seven years to get and stay healthy.At age nineteen, Dr. Orpelli was in a serious car accident which put him in a coma for a week.  After the accident he suffered constant migraine headaches non-stop.  Once again, he was heavily medicated.  The strong desire to become a doctor that started in childhood returned, but this time so strong that he had to follow it.  He k

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