Astrology With Deb Mcbride



Deb McBride is a professional astrologer & emotional healer. This program is designed to help others in understanding current astrological cycles & how to use the available archetypal energy to one's benefit. Deb is available for sessions to discuss your astrological chart or for emotional clearings.


  • 6/2/24: Powerful Mind Expansion

    03/06/2024 Duración: 33min

    It's a highly energetic week as we embrace a Gemini New Moon with 5 planets in the sign of the twins, including Venus, which sparkles alongside the Sun and Moon. At the end of the week, dynamics shift as fiery Mars enters calm Taurus. Meanwhile, Sun and Venus challenge Saturn and ask us to rise above our limitations. All this and learning about Venus and her five pointed star transit on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 5/26/24: A Dynamic Week of Sparkly Ideas

    27/05/2024 Duración: 33min

    Jupiter in Gemini already has a lot to say as it has a lovely, yet powerful conversation with Pluto this week. Mercury spends its last week in Taurus connecting with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune and touching the point of the big conjunction we had in April. Mars meets Chiron and we remember where it's important to tend to our own needs first. All this and so much more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 5/19/24: Spectacular Full Moon

    19/05/2024 Duración: 37min

    This week we begin Gemini season with a bang as Sun, Venus and Jupiter all enter the sign of the twins. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is ruled by a generous Jupiter that will be united with Venus, giving us a beautiful, loving experience. Later in the week, Mars finally reaches the eclipse point and gives us more information to further our trajectory. Another powerful week ahead, hear all about it on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 5/12/24: Another action packed week!

    13/05/2024 Duración: 31min

    We begin the week with a bang as the Sun meets surprising Uranus in Taurus. The Sun then travels to meet with abundant Jupiter at the end of the week for more action. On the same day, Venus will meet with Uranus in Taurus, adding more excitement to the mix. Mercury finally leaves Aries and enters Taurus, lending stability to the entire week. So much info, tune in for more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 5/5/24: Powerful New Moon week

    06/05/2024 Duración: 30min

    This week will bring some reminders of April as the Moon and Mercury make connections to the eclipse points. The powerful New Moon in Taurus ignites the Jupiter Uranus conjunction turning this into a juicy week for intention setting and planting new seeds. Want to know all the details? Tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 4/28/24: Relationship intensity

    29/04/2024 Duración: 34min

    Mars meet Neptune and we choose altruistic action over underhanded behavior. Relationship planets Venus and Mars move into their own signs this week. Both planets connect with Pluto, planet of transformation to make an intense and interesting week. Then Pluto makes its retrograde and gives us new insight. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 4/21/24: Full Moon brings new info

    22/04/2024 Duración: 30min

    This week's Scorpio Full Moon kicks out the eclipse period and reveals where we've been affected emotionally by the eclipses. The Moon then touches Jupiter and Uranus to enlighten us to the new chapter we're starting. Mercury turns direct and further clarifies the whirlwind of April energies. All this and so much more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 4/14/24: The biggest astrology moment of 2024!

    15/04/2024 Duración: 30min

    Make way for Jupiter and Uranus meeting in the sign of Taurus for the 1st time since 1941! These two big planets meet once every 14 years and we are now in the energy of the big meetup. Venus has a lot to say about this connection and Mars supports it. And this week ends Aries season and Taurus season begins as the Sun changes signs this week. So much happening on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 4/7/24:Total Solar Eclipse in Aries!

    08/04/2024 Duración: 32min

    It's time for the big eclipse we have all been waiting for. Coupled with Mercury retrograde, it is a wild time and Deb tells a wild story! Also this week, eclipse ruler Mars and Saturn meet up in Pisces. Then Sun and Mercury meet up and give us more eclipse information to ponder. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 3/31/24:Mercury retrograde is here!

    31/03/2024 Duración: 33min

    The first Mercury retrograde of 2024 is upon us and will be with us for most of April. Venus, goddess of all things beautiful, relationships and money is a busy girl this week as she kisses Neptune, then quickly moves in Aries. We get ready for the big eclipse in Aries and remember to use the energy wisely. April is a rocking astrology month on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 3/24/24: Lunar Eclipse!

    25/03/2024 Duración: 34min

    It's a lunar eclipse, Full Moon in the sign of Libra with the Sun in Aries! This is about dynamics with other people, expectations and having a better relationship with ourselves. We also have some lovely aspects of Venus to Jupiter, then Uranus. Deb also discusses important aspects coming in April. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 3/17/24: A warrior for healing

    18/03/2024 Duración: 36min

    Pisces season is drawing to a close for the Sun, as this week is the Aries equinox. But we still have much Piscean energy to explore as we move through these next weeks and eclipse season. Venus meets Saturn in Pisces and it's best to take extra good care of ourselves. Mars joins Pisces later in the week and asks us to surrender. A very interesting time on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 3/10/24: Magical days, magical nights

    11/03/2024 Duración: 31min

    Sprinkle the magic in your life! We're in a deeply Piscean time as the Moon meets the Sun in Pisces for the New Moon, which opens the door to the eclipse season. Venus enters Pisces, her sign of exaltation and adds some glamour to our days. And the Sun makes its annual meetup with Neptune in Pisces, adding to the magical vibe. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 3/4/24: Keep your head together

    04/03/2024 Duración: 34min

    Lots of impulsive energy this week as Venus, Mercury and Mars all get entangled with the planet Uranus. Be aware of that hot headed, stubborn feeling! Mercury meets Neptune for cool intuition and a New Moon in Pisces gets us in flow. This and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 2/25/24: Stretching to leap forward

    26/02/2024 Duración: 34min

    We're being asked to stretch ourselves and our creativity with Venus and Mars challenging Jupiter. Also this week we see Sun, Mercury and Saturn join one another for some quiet, thoughtful time alone before Sun and Mercury have sparkly time with Jupiter. The week ends with Venus and Uranus in challenge to give us a boost forward. This and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 2/18/24: A Cleansing Full Moon

    19/02/2024 Duración: 32min

    The Sun finishes Aquarius season and moves into the sign of Pisces.  Venus and Mars join together in Aquarius and encourage altruism in our relationships. Later in the week Mercury moves into Pisces, joining Sun, Saturn and Neptune putting most of the planets in the end of the zodiac. And a cleansing Full Moon in Virgo arrives on the weekend. Hear all about it on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 2/11/24: Deep relationship dynamics

    11/02/2024 Duración: 29min

    This week is a profound time for all of our relationships as Mars, then Venus each moves into Aquarius and then meets Pluto. This is an unprecedented experience for everyone, asking us to go deep to new levels of freedom. Mercury challenges Uranus, great for innovative thinking. Tune in for more with The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 2/4/24: New Moon Expect the Unexpected

    04/02/2024 Duración: 33min

    The Aquarius energies continue with the New Moon on Friday starting the Lunar New Year of the Dragon. This is a special Aquarius New Moon as it challenges Aquarius ruler Uranus, giving us a big dose of the unexpected. Mercury enters Aquarius and immediately conjuncts Pluto, a pattern that will continue with other planets in these next weeks. It's all a very exciting time, hear all about it on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 1/28/24: Sparks of ideas and innovation

    29/01/2024 Duración: 31min

    Aquarian energy compounds as ruler Uranus goes direct in Taurus and receives friendly contact from both Mercury and Mars. Mercury is busy this week as it connects with Neptune and then finishes up its visit to Capricorn. Mercury then enters the sign of Aquarius, giving us more rocket fuel. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 1/21/24: A bright Full Moon week

    21/01/2024 Duración: 27min

    The Full Moon occurs in Leo and we embrace treating ourselves with some extra love. Uranus turns direct from retrograde and we get another boost of Aquarian energy. There is much earth energy in the heavens, giving us some stability as we transition to our new paradigm. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

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