Albuquerque Business Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 36:07:55
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This is the Albuquerque Business Podcast with your host Jason Rigby. Each week we interview leading local business leaders to inspire the vision and the spirit that is in every entrepreneur. We discuss strengths, weakness, strategies, systems and the problems we can all solve together to fulfill a shared vision of a new future for Albuquerque.


  • The Procrastination Myth: A Self-Aware Leader's Guide to Harnessing Its Hidden Power

    03/07/2024 Duración: 21min

    To My Fellow Self-Aware Leaders, Procrastination is often painted as the villain of productivity, a time thief we must tirelessly battle. But what if I told you that procrastination can be a valuable ally, a signal worth heeding? As self-aware leaders, we know that our habits and behaviors often hold deeper meanings. By turning our attention inward, we can uncover hidden insights within our procrastination patterns. Understanding Procrastination Through Self-Awareness Self-awareness is our superpower. It's the ability to recognize our own character, feelings, motives, and desires. When applied to procrastination, it invites us to examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors surrounding tasks we tend to put off. Let's delve deeper. Ask yourself: Emotional state: Am I feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or afraid of failure? Physical state: Am I tired, hungry, or uncomfortable? Environment: Is my workspace conducive to focus? Am I surrounded by distractions? Task perception: Do I find this task boring, chall

  • Proactive AF: Leadership Lessons from the 7 Habits

    22/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    Hey everyone, I've always believed in the power of personal growth, especially as a self aware leader. Recently, I've been diving deep again into Stephen R. Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," and it's been a game-changer. I wanted to share some of my takeaways and how I'm applying these habits to my own leadership journey. Habit 1: Be Proactive This one's all about taking ownership. I've realized that I have more control over my environment and outcomes than I sometimes give myself credit for. I'm making a conscious effort to be more accountable and proactive in my decision-making. Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Having a clear vision is so important. I'm taking the time to really define my long-term goals, both personally and for my team. This helps me make sure my actions are aligned with where I want to be in the future. Habit 3: Put First Things First Prioritization is key! I'm learning to focus on what truly matters, rather than just reacting to the loudest demands. This involves some

  • The Secret to Unstoppable Success: Master Your Systems, Not Your Emotions (W. Edwards Deming's Legacy)

    10/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    Every System is Perfectly Designed... To Change Your Perspective Have you ever found yourself caught in a cycle of frustration, questioning why you and your team keep hitting the same walls despite your best efforts? I've been there too, feeling the weight of repeated failures and the temptation to point fingers at myself or others. But then I came across a profound insight from W. Edwards Deming, a pioneer in quality management, who famously said, "Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets." This single statement has the power to transform how we, as self-aware leaders, approach our challenges in both business and life. The System is the Culprit, Not You Deming's quote is not about resigning to fate but rather a powerful invitation to adopt a systems thinking mindset. Here's a deeper dive into what this means: The System: This encompasses every aspect of our environment, from processes and procedures to our mindset and the overarching culture. It’s the complex web of interconnected fact

  • Why I Feel Like the World is Against Me (And My Journey to Overcome It)

    31/05/2024 Duración: 18min

    As a leader, I often grapple with an unsettling feeling – that people are against me. It's a heavy burden to bear, casting shadows on even the brightest days. Perhaps you've felt this too, my fellow leader. It's a lonely path, one that can make us question our purpose and abilities. The Spiritual Roots of My Struggle In my heart, I believe this struggle is more than just professional challenges or interpersonal conflicts. It's a spiritual battle, a tug-of-war between my ego and my higher self. My ego, driven by a need for validation and control, whispers in my ear, convincing me that I am constantly under attack. It magnifies negativity, distorting my perception of reality. I've come to realize that this ego-driven perspective is a defense mechanism, a shield against perceived threats to my identity and self-worth. It's a natural human response, but one that can be incredibly damaging. Why Does My Ego Act This Way? Deep down, my ego is trying to protect me. It sees any challenge or criticism as a threat, a po

  • Jocko Willink's Surprising Take on Leadership Will Change Your Mindset

    25/05/2024 Duración: 19min

    Hey Self-Aware Leaders, I've been diving into Jocko Willink's book "The Dichotomy of Leadership," and it's sparked some serious reflection on the role of humility in leadership. As someone who's committed to personal growth and self-awareness, I believe this is a topic we all need to grapple with. Jocko makes a bold statement: "Humility is the most important quality in a leader." Now, that might seem counterintuitive in a world that often celebrates confidence and charisma. But hear me out. The Ego Trap Ego can be a powerful motivator, but it can also be a dangerous trap. When our egos get inflated, we become resistant to feedback, blind to our own shortcomings, and unable to learn and grow. We start to believe that we have all the answers, which is a recipe for stagnation and failure. Think about it: how many times have you seen talented leaders derail their careers because they couldn't check their egos? It happens all the time. The Power of Humility Humility, on the other hand, opens up a world of possibil

  • Stop Reacting, Start Leading: How a Clear Vision Can Transform Your Team (and Your Life)

    22/05/2024 Duración: 20min

    Hey Self-Aware Leaders, Today's episode is a special one, inspired by a recent conversation I had with a friend who's leading a team through some major uncertainty. It got me thinking about a powerful concept I stumbled upon in the Harvard Business Review: the importance of developing a clear vision when managing ambiguity. Now, I know what you're thinking – "Vision? That's easy to say, but how do I actually create one when everything feels up in the air?" Trust me, I get it. As leaders, we're constantly navigating the unknown, and it can be tempting to just react to whatever comes our way. But here's the thing: when we don't have a clear vision, we're like ships without a rudder, tossed about by the waves of uncertainty. We lose sight of our goals, our values, and what truly matters. And that's when things can really start to unravel. So, what does it mean to develop a clear vision in the midst of ambiguity? It's about more than just setting a goal or having a plan. It's about defining what success looks lik

  • Mindset Makeover: How to Talk Yourself into Winning and Stop Self-Sabotage

    16/05/2024 Duración: 10min

    Hey friends, I've been pondering a quote by Dennis Waitley lately, and it's got me thinking about the language we use as leaders – and how it shapes our reality. Waitley said: "Winners say, 'I must, I can, I will.' Losers say, 'I should have, I could have, I wish I had.'" Now, before you roll your eyes at another motivational quote, hear me out. As someone who's committed to the journey of self-awareness and higher thinking, I believe this quote offers a powerful insight into the connection between our thoughts, our words, and our results. The Inner Dialogue of a Winner Think about the winner's language for a moment: I must: There's a fire in this phrase, a sense of purpose and urgency. It speaks to a deep-rooted belief that the goal is not just desirable, but essential. I can: This is pure confidence, a trust in one's abilities and resilience. It's the voice that says, "Challenges are opportunities for growth, and I'm up for the task." I will: This is the ultimate commitment, a vow to take action and s

  • Quit Compromising Your Values! How to Build a Life & Career YOU Actually Love

    13/05/2024 Duración: 06min

    If you're a leader – whether you're running a business, managing a team, or simply leading your own life – I've got a question for you: Have you ever felt torn between what you know is right and what others expect of you? Have you been called "stubborn" or "difficult" because you refuse to budge on your core beliefs? If so, you're in good company. I've worked with some incredibly successful people, from startup founders to Fortune 500 CEOs, and I can tell you – the best ones share a common trait: they are uncompromising in the pursuit of their goals. What Does It Mean to Be Uncompromising? Now, before you roll your eyes and think I'm talking about being bullheaded or inflexible, let's get something straight: Being an uncompromising leader isn't about ignoring feedback or steamrolling others. It's about having a rock-solid sense of purpose and the courage to stay true to it. Think about it: Vision: Uncompromising leaders have a clear, vivid picture of what they want to create. They don't just see the present

  • From 9/11 to Boardroom Battles: Lessons in Leadership and Resilience

    09/05/2024 Duración: 59min

    Welcome to the Self Aware Leader Podcast with Jason Rigby. In this episode, we have the pleasure of hosting Scott Freidheim, author of "Code of Conduct," a memoir and guide to crafting your own principles in an increasingly complex world. Scott takes us on a journey through the extraordinary highs and challenging lows of his life, from the boardrooms of Wall Street to the personal brink of bankruptcy. Through tales of adversity and triumph, close encounters with global leaders, and life-changing moments of clarity, Scott distills 32 chapters of noble tenets and moral insights. In this episode, we explore several key themes from Scott's book: Bravery: Scott shares his harrowing experience during the 9/11 attacks and the critical decision-making moment that likely saved many lives. Gratitude: We discuss the profound impact of first responders and the importance of recognizing their selfless service. Compassion: Scott reflects on a haunting encounter with mental illness and the need for a compassionate app

  • Are You a Victim Leader? This Quick Test Will Reveal the Truth

    07/05/2024 Duración: 18min

    We've all been there. Those moments as leaders when a project stalls, a key team member leaves, or that big initiative feels like it's crashing and burning. It's so easy to slip into a spiral: frustration, blame (at others or ourselves), and a sinking feeling of helplessness. That's the victim mentality, and as comfortable as it seems in the moment, it's incredibly destructive to our leadership. The Trap: How We Give Up Our Power Here's the thing about playing the victim: we surrender. We convince ourselves that our fate is out of our hands – bad luck, unfair bosses, you name it – anything but ourselves. Thoughts become a chorus of "I can't...", "This always happens to me...", or "Why bother, it's pointless...". It feels easier than taking a hard look in the mirror, but make no mistake, this is us putting ourselves at the mercy of every setback. We all want to feel in control as leaders. The victim mentality is the illusion of control, where it's somehow safer to wallow than to confront the hard choices ahead

  • Dear Exhausted Leader: It's Time to Put YOUR Oxygen Mask On First

    29/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    Dear Self Aware Leaders Just this week, I stepped onto a plane headed for a much-needed work trip. As the familiar safety briefing began, the flight attendant's voice caught my attention. "Remember," she said, "in case of an emergency, please secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others." Her next words hit me with newfound resonance: "...even though this trip is to Miami, I don't want to see any of you underwater." It was a playful reminder, but it struck a deeper chord. In the heart of leadership, amongst its demands and the noble drive to serve, lies a paradox: we must sometimes withdraw to truly give. We all know the flight attendant's instructions—secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others. But as leaders, do we truly live this principle? I believe nurturing our own spirit is the most generous act we can perform for our teams and the world we seek to impact. When we deplete ourselves, it's not just our personal energy that suffers. Our clarity dims, our empathy wanes, and our ability to i

  • Who Are You Underneath the Pressure? A Leader's Guide to Stop Striving & Start Being

    22/04/2024 Duración: 15min

    This morning, I woke up like I often do – caught in a whirlwind of thoughts and anxieties. We all face this, especially as leaders. The pressure to have answers, to define ourselves by accomplishments... it's easy to lose our footing. But in these moments, I'm learning something profound (inspired by the spiritual teacher Luuk Moelker's From Confusion to Clarity) – the very essence of our leadership lies in recognizing what confusion truly is. Moelker teaches that our mental chaos is just that – mental. It's a storm in the mind. For me, the revelation came when I finally paused and asked myself, "Who am I, truly, beneath all this?" Suddenly, the noise fell away. A core of undeniable selfhood was there all along, needing no external justification. This is a truth every leader needs to know – confusion happens, but it is not you. Underneath the responsibilities and expectations, there's that same causeless, vibrant 'I am' within each of us. Finding that clarity isn't about guru retreats or complex psych-techniq

  • My Leadership Breakdown: 5 Core Principles I'm Working On

    15/04/2024 Duración: 11min

    Hello fellow leaders, this is Jason. In today’s episode of The Self-Aware Leader, I’m taking a moment to share a more personal perspective on leadership. These aren't just abstract concepts; they're five core areas I am actively exploring in my own life. As we delve into these principles, I hope my journey resonates with you, offering both guidance and inspiration as you navigate your own path to becoming a more effective and self-aware leader. 1. Clarity: Seeking Light in the Shadows Clarity is paramount. Recently, I've been reflecting on times when I've felt stuck, questioning what steps I need to take to regain a clear vision. It’s about asking the tough questions, like, "What am I not seeing? What have I been avoiding?" For me, gaining clarity often means disconnecting from the noise—stepping back, going for long walks, or just sitting in quiet meditation to listen to what my higher self is trying to tell me. 2. Momentum: Moving Forward When It’s Hardest Momentum is something I've struggled with, especial

  • "I'll Do It Tomorrow" Monster SLAYED! A Leader's Guide to Motivation

    09/04/2024 Duración: 24min

    Feeling stuck in a procrastination rut? It's a place I know well. You want to move forward with your goals, but that pesky voice of "I'll do it tomorrow" keeps you frozen, unable to actually start. Let's be honest – we all experience dips in motivation. Even the most enthusiastic leaders and dedicated employees have those days when getting fired up about work is tougher than usual. But the good news is it doesn't have to be permanent! In this podcast, I want to share some hard-earned lessons about breaking out of motivational slumps. As self-aware leaders, we need to dive into the why behind our lack of motivation so we can move past it effectively. The Drain of Demotivation Before we tackle the fixes, let's be clear about the costs of low motivation. Lacking energy to tackle your goals isn't something to just grin and bear: Productivity Takes a Nosedive: Without that spark, we drag our feet, projects lag, and output decreases. Stress Skyrockets: As deadlines loom and work piles up, our anxiety ratchets u

  • Your Money Blocks Are Sabotaging Your Success

    06/04/2024 Duración: 15min

    "Ever feel like there's some invisible block sabotaging your money goals? Today, we're going deep. We're not talking surface-level 'think rich' stuff, but the real, messy emotions most leaders hide when it comes to abundance.  My Breaking Point: I hit a wall with the whole 'manifest your millions' mindset. Turns out, I had some major unresolved baggage around money – limiting beliefs, fear, you name it. Sound familiar? Money Mirrors Your Mind: We think money is about dollars and cents, but it's a symbol of how we see ourselves, our worth, even our impact on the world. That's the work most leaders miss. The Law of Assumption Goes Deeper: It's not about willing stuff into existence, but aligning with that limitless source of creation (call it consciousness, whatever works for you). Leaders, we're used to forcing things, not flowing with them. That's why we get stuck with money. Get Ready to Squirm (It's Worth It): Uncover your 'money story' – What did you hear about money growing up? What makes you

  • Stop Lying to Yourself About Commitment

    31/03/2024 Duración: 19min

    What Does It Mean to Be Truly Committed? On the most recent episode of The Self Aware Leader podcast, I dove deep into the concept of commitment. We often throw that word around – I'm committed to fitness, committed to this project, committed to my personal growth. But what does true, maximum commitment really look like and feel like? To dissect this, I like to rephrase the question: "What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve a goal or uphold a value?" That hits a little harder, doesn't it? Because true commitment isn't just about the good times, the easy choices. It's about what you'll keep doing, who you'll keep being, even when it's inconvenient, difficult, and frankly...uncomfortable. Commitment in Action Let's look at some examples: Relationships: Truly committed partners don't walk away at the first sign of conflict. They stay and work through the challenges – not because it's easy, but because the value of the relationship outweighs the temporary discomfort. Health: Being committed to your healt

  • Feeling Lost as a Leader? Finding Strength When Life Gets Chaotic.

    23/03/2024 Duración: 13min

    Finding Leadership Strength in the Face of My Own Storms The weight of the world feels heavy on my shoulders lately. Deadlines pile up, personal challenges mount, and it seems like another chaotic day follows each chaotic night. In moments like these, I crave inspiration—a reminder of how to navigate the chaos and lead myself (and others) with purpose. Recently, while pondering leadership principles, I found myself revisiting the final days of Jesus Christ. I know it sounds like a heavy topic, but as I dove into it and considered John Maxwell's analysis of leadership, I realized there's incredible strength to glean from Jesus' actions under the most unimaginable pressure. His story hit me in a whole new way. Here's what struck me the most: The Power of Peace in Chaos: Jesus, facing what he knew was ahead, exuded peace. That resonates with me right now. I'm learning that holding a sense of calm in my own life's storms lets me make clearer decisions – and it sets a crucial example for those I lead. Clarity Whe

  • WARNING: This Muscle-Building Program Will Make You a LEADER (But Are You Ready?)

    16/03/2024 Duración: 35min

    The latest episode featuring Ben Corliss, a renowned Men's Fitness Expert and the visionary behind Lifts with Wolves, serves as a testament to the podcast's commitment to exploring all facets of leadership and personal growth. Ben's approach to fitness transcends the physical, delving into the profound impact that strength training can have on mental and emotional well-being. The Journey Towards Holistic Leadership At the core of this episode is the idea that leadership is not a one-dimensional attribute confined to the boardroom; rather, it's a multi-faceted quality that encompasses every aspect of our lives, including our physical health and emotional resilience. Ben Corliss, through his innovative fitness programs, illustrates how becoming physically strong and confident can serve as a foundation for developing the other qualities essential for effective leadership. Strength Training: More Than Just Physical Fitness One of the most compelling takeaways from the conversation with Ben is the concept that str

  • STOP Demonizing Your Team! The SECRET to Seeing Their TRUE Potential

    15/03/2024 Duración: 18min

    The Dichotomy of Leadership: Embracing Complexity for Authentic Impact As leaders, we are frequently taught to be decisive and project certainty. But the world, and the people we lead, are rarely black and white. Truly impactful leadership demands embracing the contradictory, the complex, and finding power in the uncomfortable "grey spaces." Teal Swan's thought-provoking exploration of dichotomy offers a powerful lens to re-examine how we lead, and how we see ourselves. The Discomfort of "And" Our brains crave simplicity. We want easy answers, neat narratives. Witnessing good and bad traits coexisting in a person – whether it's someone we manage, a public figure, or even ourselves – creates a cognitive dissonance most of us struggle to tolerate. This leads to: Demonizing or Glorifying: Biased narratives and all-or-nothing thinking warp our understanding of those we lead, undermining balanced judgment. Splitting: We compartmentalize, seeing team members as "all good" or "all bad" (and ourselves too!). This

  • The 5 DAILY Habits That Will TRANSFORM Your Leadership (Guaranteed!)

    12/03/2024 Duración: 13min

    The Power of Incremental Progress: Unlocking Your Potential with the 1% Rule Have you ever looked at wildly successful leaders and wondered how they got there? It's tempting to think they possess some extraordinary talent or luck that we lack. But the truth, as revealed in Tommy Baker's book "The 1% Rule," is often far less glamorous and far more accessible. It's about the power of small, consistent improvement. The Secret? It's in the Process Baker's central premise is that if you commit to being just 1% better at your chosen field, passions, or leadership goals every single day, the compounding effect over time leads to astounding transformation. This might feel underwhelming at first. But this is where understanding the mindset of a self-aware leader helps immensely. Instead of focusing on distant, daunting targets, the 1% Rule offers a path of sustainable and attainable progress. The 1% Code for Self-Aware Leaders Baker outlines five key principles to make the 1% Rule work for you: Fall in love with the

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