Influence Leadership



Podcast by Chris Fuller


  • Revisiting Challenges, Problems, Solutions, P.2 - IL045

    30/06/2017 Duración: 24min

    In this episode, we continue our discussion on the best ways to prepare for and handle challenges and adversity. This is the second episode covering the core truths from Chapter 7 of Iditarod Leadership. In this episode, we discuss ... - How to expect frustrations upfront, rather than assume everything will go perfectly. - How to balance realistic expectations with positive energy. - How to identify the real problem beneath the problem ... US! Lots more in this episode. And don't forget to check us out at for more info. Originally recorded March 2016. This episode published on June 30, 2017.

  • Another Look at How to Manage Challenges - Episode 44

    16/06/2017 Duración: 23min

    In this episode, we revisit one of our most popular episodes ever. Want to know what a sure thing is in business (and in life)? There will always be new challenges to overcome and new problems that need to be solved. It's rare for things to go as planned. But that also means there are always solutions that need to be created. In this episode, we break down some of the fundamental truths from Chapter 7 in Chris Fuller's book, Iditarod Leadership. We'll discuss things like ... - How to identify the changes happening within you while you deal with adversity. - How to stop focusing on the failure and how to focus more on the lesson you can learn. - How to prepare for things you don't even know you should prepare for. Leave us your feedback on this episode, and visit for more info.

  • How and Why Leaders Should Embrace Diversity - Episode 43

    01/06/2017 Duración: 29min

    In this episode, Chris and Brett discuss a strategic advantage leaders can and should take full advantage of, but rarely do. We break down the importance of diversity, and why not only creating a diverse environment is important, but embracing the diverse perspectives is even more important for any leader. Learn more at Originally Recorded May 2017.

  • How To Make A Better, Stronger Business Case - Episode 42

    25/05/2017 Duración: 30min

    In our last episode, Chris and Brett made the case for business cases. Most leaders aren't making as many business cases as they should be, and the ones they are making definitely aren't as effective as they need to be. In this episode, Chris breaks down some practical tips on how to make your business cases better and lead to the results and changes you want to see. We discuss knowing your data, understanding the return on investment and presenting the right way to your audience. Learn more at Originally recorded in May 2017.

  • Making The Business Case for What You Need - Episode 41

    18/05/2017 Duración: 24min

    Far too many leaders accept what is handed to them when they know they need something different or something more. Most leaders don't put up much of a fight; they simply accept what's been handed to them and make the most of it. In this episode, Chris and Brett discuss why leaders must start making more business cases, for the sake of their success and their teams. Whether it's resources, manpower, strategic direction or something else, leaders must make a case for what they believe is needed. This is part one of a two-part series. In this specific episode, Chris and Brett discuss the important of making a business case. In the next episode, they discuss how to make your business cases stronger and more effective. Learn more at Originally recorded May 2017.

  • Revisiting the R.A.C.E. Approach to Leadership - Episode 40

    02/05/2017 Duración: 35min

    The RACE toward growing leadership never ends, and so we revisit a topic focused on Chris Fuller's acronym, R.A.C.E., and how you can apply it to your own leadership journey. Learn more at

  • How Can Organizations Develop Leaders? - Episode 39

    20/04/2017 Duración: 23min

    What’s the best way for organizations to develop leaders? In this episode, Chris Fuller walks through the fundamentals of the mindset and methodology an organization must take on to be deliberate in how they develop leaders within. They discuss things like ... - understanding the why before the what. - how to identify high-potential candidates for leadership - the cultural aspects of this type of development. - the critical components of an effective program. Learn more at Originally recorded in March 2017.

  • How to Work With Your Leadership Style - Episode 38

    08/04/2017 Duración: 26min

    In this continuation from episode 37, Chris Fuller and Brett Duncan continue their discussion on Leadership Styles, focusing this time around on how to work best within the styles that come naturally to you, as well as how to work within the parameters of the style of those leading you. Can a leader incorporate different leadership styles effectively? How does the environment or situation impact and influence the leadership style you incorporate? What do you do if you don't seem to gel or respond well to the leadership style of your leader? We'll dig into it all and a lot more in this episode. Learn more at Originally recorded March 2017.

  • Defining the 8 Most Common Leadership Styles - Ep. 37

    01/04/2017 Duración: 27min

    What is your natural leadership style? In this episode, Chris Fuller and Brett Duncan survey the eight most common leadership styles, and how to identify what comes to you naturally. In addition, they discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each style, and how all of us must adapt to our environments and circumstances and adopt a new leadership style accordingly. Learn more at Originally recorded March 2017.

  • How Leaders Can Regain the Trust of Their Team

    24/03/2017 Duración: 25min

    What do leaders do after they have failed? How can leaders earn back the confidence and respect of their teams after they have let them down? Let's face it: we all mess up. We fall short of expectations. We make bad decisions. We sometimes even contradict our own values and character. How do we bounce back? In this episode, Chris Fuller and Brett Duncan discuss ways you, as a leader, can regain the trust of your team. They discuss the different types of trust (transactional trust and relational trust), and simple, straightforward steps to follow when that trust has been depleted. Learn more at This episode was originally recorded in March 2017.

  • Asleep At The Wheel And Face Down In The Snow - Episode 35

    17/03/2017 Duración: 26min

    As leaders, there will be times that we blow it. It's inevitable. What's important is to know what to do when it happens, and how to recover. In this episode, Chris Fuller and Brett Duncan start with the story of Linwood Fiedler, an experienced musher who managed to fall asleep while driving his team of dogs, and stay asleep while falling face first into the snow. His team pushed ahead without him to the checkpoint, and Linwood followed on his own about 4 hours later. How do you RECOVER as a leader? Chris breaks down a few approaches: 1) Re-Focus on the next checkpoint, and nothing else. 2) Take time to re-evaluate and re-charge. 3) Learn from the failure without getting caught up in the emotions of the failure. 4) Rework your plan and redeploy accordingly. This episode was originally recorded March 2017. Please go to to learn more.

  • Mature Leadership Is Others - Centric - Episode 34

    17/03/2017 Duración: 28min

    What does mature leadership really look like? While we may think of those experienced and wise in leadership as knowing how to influence people and situations to serve their needs and wants the most, the opposite is actually true. Mature leadership grows in its ability to put others first. Put another way, immature leadership is focused on self. But mature leadership learns that the more you focus on the needs of your team, the more successful and fulfilling everyone becomes. In this episode, Chris Fuller and Brett Duncan discuss what this really looks like, the true purpose of a team and how to assess your own level of leadership. Originally recorded in March 2017. Learn more at

  • IL Podcast 033 - How To Stop Changing Too Much Too Fast

    03/03/2017 Duración: 20min

    The only certain thing in business, and life, is change. However, do you take on too much change? Do you implement change too quickly? So many leaders get caught in the never-ending cycle of changing for change's sake. In this episode, Chris and Brett talk through the causes of this type of negative change, and how to combat it. Leaders must change only for the sake of progress. And leaders recognize when "change saturation" has taken over. Learn more at Originally recorded in February 2017.

  • Your First 100 Days As A Leader - Episode 32

    23/02/2017 Duración: 27min

    As you probably know, there's a new President in place in the United States, and often much is made of a new President's first 100 days. In this episode, Chris and Brett break down how you can think of your own first 100 days as a leader, no matter what scenario you find yourself in. Chris walks us through how to think of your first 100 days in terms of... - A New Job/Company - A New Leader - A Senior Leader or Executive taking over their new position Learn more at This episode was originally recorded in February 2017.

  • Roles Of Leadership - Episode 31

    16/02/2017 Duración: 21min

    What does a leader actually do? In this episode, Chris lays out the core roles that a leader must account for. Leaders build culture, and culture builds results. But there are so many different "hats" a leader must wear at different times to make this happen. Here are 10 roles of a leader and a quick description of each to help you pinpoint an area or two where you can grow today as a leader. Learn more at Originally recorded in January 2017.

  • Lead At Any Level - Episode 30

    09/02/2017 Duración: 17min

    In This Episode, you will learn that leadership is much more than a title, and it's not something that comes automcatucllay with a title. Chris and Brett talk through how to increase your influence and truly lead no matter where you are on the organizational chart. Learn more at Originally recorded in January 2017.

  • Fullerisms - Episode 29

    02/02/2017 Duración: 23min

    In this episode, Chris and Brett depart a bit from the typical topics and highlight a handful of some of Chris' quippy one-liners, known better as "Fullerisms." Listen in as Chris and Brett riff over each individual line, and be sure to download the complete list of 151 at

  • Owning the Methodology - Episode 28

    26/01/2017 Duración: 26min

    In this episode, Chris Fuller and Brett Duncan pick up from the last episode and talk through the real meaning of "owning the methods" when it comes to leadership. When it comes to having the right leadership mindset, you have to own both the mission and the methodology. When we focus on the methodology, we must consider things like... - Identifying when a methodology that used to work is no longer working in the same way. - Measuring what matters, but not letting the measurement itself be the final goal. - How to "date the methods, and marry the mission." - Understanding what you're running from, and what you're running to. - The difference between working on a plan, and working on a fix. Listen now, and be sure to rate the podcast. Learn more at This episode was originally recorded in January 2017.

  • Leadership is Ownership - Episode 27

    20/01/2017 Duración: 20min

    What's the difference between a mature mindset and an immature mindset? Often, it's the element of ownership. Do you blame other people and other circumstances when things don't go right? Are you a victim of your circumstances and environment? Or are you responsible for what is happening in your life and in your team's life, regardless of the circumstances and environment? In this episode, Chris Fuller and Brett Duncan break down what an effective ownership mindset can look like. Are you owning the methods, the successes, the failures and the mission? Learn more at This episode was originally recorded in January 2017.

  • A Great Theme for 2017 (What's Yours?) - Episode 26

    12/01/2017 Duración: 23min

    It's a new year! Chris Fuller has chosen a single word to help him drive a new level of success for himself in 2017, and we think it may be one you can leverage, too. In this episode, Chris and Brett discuss Chris's word for 2017, and break down the different ways we forecast that will play out in the months to come. Get full details at Originally recorded in January 2017 by Chris Fuller and Brett Duncan.

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