Podcast Talent Coach

An Amazing Year – PTC 420



It was an amazing year for Podcast Talent Coach. And, I want to thank you for all of the support. It is my hope that this show and my content helped you reach a few of your goals. It is important that we take time to reflect on the great things in our lives. While I was traveling over the past week, I did just that. TAKE FOCUSED ACTION THIS YEAR What I realized is that focused action makes a big difference. In September, I began following a new coach. He put me on a journey to specifically follow up with those I've talked with over the year. I set out to serve these people and continue the conversation we began. I delivered content and resources that I felt could help each of them individually. There was no sell or ask. It was just service. Rather than approaching it with what I wanted, I went back and reviewed those original conversations. Then, I sent each of them something that would help with the challenge we discussed. Some of those led to additional calls. Others were just notes of thanks. Either way, i