Heyman Center For The Humanities At Columbia University Podcasts

The Unplugged Soul: A Conference on the Podcast: "Disrupting Story"



Jeff Emtman (Here Be Monsters), “The Cult of the Story” Bethany Jo Denton (Here Be Monsters), “A Case for the Minimalist Narrator” Jonathan Hirsch (ARRVLS), “Storytelling vs Stenography: Truth and Narrative in the Age of Alternative Facts” A series of unprecedented freedoms – on demand software, discrete audiences, portable devices, cheap production costs, the bypassing of broadcast infrastructure and with it content restrictions – liberates the podcast from mass media's customary limitations, and podcasters are now making the most of their new territory. This conference ranges wide in its exploration of what amounts to a burgeoning new art form captivating listeners worldwide: the "impact bar" has never been higher in a culture brimming with content, but podcasters and producers have latched on to ancient verities of storytelling and the new mores of disclosure to win us over – to unplug the hyperconnected soul. http://heymancenter.org/events/the-unplugged-soul-a-conference-on-the-podcast/