Didier Soulier's Podcast

Ep 38 - Are you having a bad day? Top 3 tips on how to change our state of mind instantly



Hello my lovelies Break through having bad start of your day 1- Move your body (exercise, run, walk, cycle…) Anything you enjoy doing, just get out and do it, within minutes you will start to feel better, it works, trust me, try it and see 2- Read your favorite book, play your favorite music, play your favorite game or instrument for 20 minute or so. This is a great way to lose yourself in another thing that is not your own head. My head is like a bad neighbourhood, I don’t like to go there alone :-) 3- Remember a happy memory, smile, watch a funny video (fail videos always works for me) Another great way to switch your mindset, your brain cannot have opposite feelings at the same time. You can’t cry and be happy at the same time, you can’t feel sorry for yourself when you are happy and smiling. The main thing is quite simple, do something else than think about how crap you feel right now, and you will see that bad mood will go away. What can be a bad start of the day? The more you body is moving