Flash Forward

Farm To Tablet



On today’s episode we tackle a future that was once a staple of science fiction: food pills. Instead of shopping and cooking and sitting down to eat meals together, we all simply pop our nutritional pills and move along with our lives. How feasible is this, really? Where did the idea come from? And what does the rise and fall in the popularity of the idea say about our changing relationships to food, culture and politics?Guests:Annalee Newitz, science journalist and science fiction author, co-host of Our Opinions Are CorrectCharlie Jane Anders, science fiction author, co-host of Our Opinions Are CorrectHelen Rosner, food correspondent for the New YorkerRob McGinley Myers, writer and podcasterKatie Gordon, associate professor of psychology at North Dakota State University and co-host of Jedi Counsel PodcastMike Rugnetta, producer of Reasonably SoundSoleil Ho, food writer, co-host of Racist Sandwich, host of Popaganda→→→ For more information about the guests, links, and further reading, go to https://www.flashf