Play Your Position With Mary Lou Kayser

Zack Booth on Getting Your Vision Clear and Taking Action



Zack Booth is the Founder of Driving For Dollars Mastery, where he helps people replicate his success through real estate investing. Just a few years ago, Zack was a window cleaner. You can even find his window cleaning tutorial videos on YouTube with millions of views. He even ended up on the history channel because of those window cleaning tutorial videos. Although he achieved success with his window cleaning business, he always dreamt of being a real estate investor. Taking a leap of faith, he walked away from window cleaning, and within a handful of years, he was making over a million dollars per year from real estate investing. Zack now has his own company, a successful podcast and YouTube channel where he dedicates his time giving back and helping others get started in the competitive game of real estate. This year, Zack launched the Driving For Dollars Mastery podcast and it is already in the top 1% of podcasts in global popularity. Recently on his YouTube channel, he did a 40 day challenge. The goal