Your Weekly Constitutional

Two Stockin' Stuffin' Books: The Wilson Deception and Black Earth



'Tis the season for giving gifts, and we know you have lots of readers on your holiday list. So here are two suggestions: "The Wilson Deception" is a fast-paced thriller set during the 1919 negotiations over the Treaty of Versailles. It is the second in a series by lawyer and author David O. Stewart (the first was called "The Lincoln Deception") who writes both historical novels and works of history. He's been on the show before, discussing his book, "Madison's Gift." "Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning" by Yale historian Timothy Snyder is a more serious work that is focused upon the Holocaust as it unfolded upon the fertile soil of Ukraine. Professor Snyder emphasis the environmental aspects of Hitler's motivations and actions and draws lessons that are highly relevant today.