Moody Presents

2022-12-03 CSI: Christ Said I AM the Resurrection and the Life part 2



Welcome to Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago.  Jon Gauger here to remind you that we continue our CSI study.  It’s called Christ Said I AM, and it is all about investigating the true identity of Jesus Christ.  By examining what Jesus had to say about Himself we are getting a better understanding of how to interact with Him.  We had to stop half-way through our study last week where we just started to understand the Jesus’ resurrecting power.  I hope you can have your Bible handy and turned to the Gospel of John, chapter 11.  From last week we began learning about Lazarus’ death and the amazing power of Jesus to resurrect this dearly loved friend from the dead.  But what does this say about Jesus?  And how can we learn and relate to this?  Let’s find out, here now is Pastor Mark Jobe with part 2 of Investigating the Claims of Christ:  I am the Resurrection and the Life.See for privacy inform