Executive Commute With Jayson Krause

#61: How do I change my reputation as a leader? (Meaningful Leader - December 2022)



Welcome to the December 2022 Meaningful Leader. In this episode I talk about: How do I change my reputation as a leader? | Help the people on your team find a new job | Executive reflection and your ALR | How are you keeping score? Enhance your ability to become a game-changer next year and conduct your own ALR by clicking here.  BY THE WAY, We are offering subscribers to this newsletter access to a self-driven pilot course, How to Create Your Best Year Yet. If you’d like free access, please fill out this form and we will get you started! The Meaningful Leader is a monthly bite-sized disruption that gives insight into challenges other leaders are facing, the latest tools to tackle turbulence, and inputs to innovate your leadership.