Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#137 - Meet Angharad - ANOTHER EndoBoss Success Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally with Wendy K Laidlaw



Meet the amazing Angharad from the UK, who shares another EndoBoss® Inspiring Story with Heal Endometriosis Naturally & Wendy K Laidlaw. Angharad is a 25-year-old Property Manager working in a busy property management company in England. After fourteen years of suffering in terrible pain, today she will share how she learned the root causes of her pain, and how to connect with her body, mind, emotions and spirit in a whole new and empowering way for the betterment of her health. When Angharad first reached out to Wendy and the EndoBoss® Team, she was in a lot of daily pain, with pain at ovulation and high pain at menstruation. She also had other symptoms like chronic fatigue, poor sleep, bloating, bladder sensitivity, lower back pain, kidney pain, etc. Unfortunately, Angharad was encouraged to proceed with an invasive surgical procedure that her gynaecologist promoted. Yet, within a few weeks, all of her symptoms returned, and she was left feeling more alone and frightened. However, Angharad's strength of