Hope Discovered

Robert Cox from CommQuest and Guest Tammi Gainer Discuss Wellness for Veterans



Honoring Veterans Day November 11, 2022, we have two guests on the Hope Discovered Podcast. Featured on this episode are Robert Cox, who is a U.S. veteran and a counselor for CommQuest Services, and Tammi A. Gainer, who is representing the Military Family Center. The needs of veterans are year-round. Many of the resources that are available to veterans are among the various topics discussed on our program. Also, of particular importance, Robert covers some of the unique dynamics of working with veterans in a counselor setting. Tammi talks about the services provided by the Military Family Center, which revolve around the wellness that is provided by the connection between veterans and horses. Many veterans visit the Military Family Center to cultivate enriching relationships with these magnificent animals. We want to thank Robert Cox and Tammi Gainer for coming onto the podcast and sharing this fascinating and valuable information, not only for veterans but for the audience at large. We hope to raise awarenes