Going Deep With Aaron Watson

62 Steve Gordon, Commissioner of the American Ultimate Disc League



Steve Gordon is co-founder and President of Ultimate Xperience Ventures, LLC, a sports and entertainment holding company. UXV owns a majority interest in the American Ultimate Disc League and has interests in video, print and digital services relating to Ultimate Disc content. Mr. Gordon also serves as the AUDL League Commissioner.   Steve is also founder & managing partner of the Chicago Wildfire, Chicago's professional Ultimate Disc team in the AUDL. The Wildfire began play in the 2013 season and play at Lane Tech Stadium in Chicago.   Steve is also founder of Capstone Concepts, Inc, a firm dedicated to bringing products and/or services that are unique or early in their life cycle to mass markets. Industry concentrations include financial programs, smartphone apps, sports and health-related products.   Steve’s Challenge; Eat organic 3x per week for one month and see how it affects your body.   Connect with Steve LinkedIn Website Email; sgordon@theaudl.com   This episode of Going Deep with Aaron Watson i