Thoth-hermes Podcast

S9-E7 – Rosicrucian Utopia-Robert Gordon



“The Rose starts to Unfold… following the Still Voice within…” This week, Rudolf meets up with initiate Robert Gordon. An Australian by birth and upbringing, Robert holds an M.A. in Museum Studies from University College London. Robert is a contemporary forty-something, with a career, family and devotion to a centuries-old esoteric tradition. This summer, Lewis Masonic publishing released his book 21st Century Rosicrucianism. Throughout the interview, the role of truly experiential initiation is honored, emphasized and examined. Robert joined a Masonic order at 21, inspired by studies in Anthropology interacting with a lingering childhood inclination towards the mysteries. From freemasonry, he journeyed into the variations of the Rosey Cross tradition. The conversation names the participatory paradox of both the slowness and persistent purpose found in an authentic Seeker’s process: “rest in it, sit in it, be in it, act in it”. Also, the fertility of any given individual’s conceptual discoveries: that, unwi