Noob Spearo Podcast

NSP:207 Australian Spearfishing Champions 2022 | Bryson Sheehy and Tim McDonald



Live Interview with Bryson Sheehy and Tim McDonald Today's interview is with 2022 Australian Spearfishing Champions Bryson Sheehy and Tim McDonald! Get an inside look into a national spearfishing competition from the winners of this year's championship! The allure of competition spearfishing is captured well by their thoughts here, the appeal of planning and executing the perfect day and making some awesome memories! Listen to stories from the 3 day event and some of the memorable fish they encountered before and during the competition. They also give us some of their top tips for scouting, finding new ground and hunting efficiently for a competition - shooting fish on the way to and from spots! Some mega diving here, enjoy it! We hope this inspires you to enter a spearfishing competition!   Important times: 00:13 Intro 02:50 Welcome Bryson and Tim: the 2022 Australian Spearfishing Champions! 03:50 When did you decide to enter? 05:40 Team mate mentality and competition rules 09:30 Hunting the Maori Sea Perch