Podcast Rodeo

Reviews and Randomness



Comments on Reviews and Randomness? 888-563-3228 Description Hey there! I’m Laura Johnson and absolutely love sharing what I LOVE with anyone who will listen. You'll hear me talk about products/services and guest interviews with a little randomness thrown in on the side! Excited you're here! Check out more information at http://www.reviewsandrandomness.com (www.reviewsandrandomness.com) Website https://reviewsandrandomness.com/ (https://reviewsandrandomness.com/) Opinion The show sounded great. I loved the intro and how things kept moving. You did a nice job of creating a table of contents. If I was a mom, I would ADORW this show as toys are expensive and you don't want to put out $50 on a poopsie to find out its a horrible toy. The only thing that slightly caught me ear was some misspronounciations. If this is a speech impediment, My apologies for pointing this out. That was the only that caught my ear. The rest was spot on. I loved the passion when you talk about the first toy and how your kids loved it.