Podcast Rodeo

The Jock and Nerd Show - Take Two



Comments on The Jock and Nerd Show? 888-563-3228 Description Geek out with a millennial Jock, a Gen-X Nerd and a grumpy puppet! Anthony, Imran and Rugboy deliver comic book and superhero TV and movie news, reviews and whatever they choose! New shows released every Sunday Website http://jockandnerd.com/ (http://jockandnerd.com/) Opinion The introduction was great with a table of contents. The audio sounds great. Then you make me sit through WAY too much music to get to the show where you do a GREAT job of introducing yourselves. Then you start a conversation with a puppet, and fall into witty banter while you later (about four minutes in) say, "There is some big news today." If there is big news, why am I listening to a puppet? I would cut the music down A LOT, and move any witty banter to the end of the show. For me, your production is polarizing. People who love the morning zoo format will tune in, and those that don't (me) won't. That DING DING DING DING was on my last nerve QUICKLY. While I don't