Podcast Rodeo

Calm History



DescriptionPodcast Rodeo Show: Reviews and First Impressions of Your Podcast Calmly narrated history for escape, relaxation, and sleep. Website: https://www.silkpodcasts.com/ (https://www.silkpodcasts.com/) What I Liked About This EpisodeYou let me know the purposes of the podcast and explained what to expect. Your delivery fits your goal. What I Thought Could Use Some PolishingAsking questions will activate what is known as the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeigarnik_effect (Zeigarnik effect) after Dr. Bluma Zeigarnink. It states that "people remember unfinished or interrupted tasks better than a completed task." This is why cliffhangers work so well in true crime. People want to know what happens next. In your case, my brain may be stimulated by wanting to know why Charles Goodyear went to jail, and I'll stay up until I hear the answer. Your artwork had the right dimensions but the file size was larger than 500 KB so I compressed it for you. The Goal Of This ShowThis show aims to help you make the best ep