Noob Spearo Podcast

NSP:204 Spearfishing Safety | Freediving, Emergencies & Boating | Ben Eckert, Adriana Barnes & Trevor Ketchion



Live Interview with Ben Eckert, Adriana Barnes & Trevor Ketchion at Adreno Brisbane Today's interview is live from Adreno Brisbane and is with Ben Eckert, Adriana Barnes & Trevor Ketchion and we talk all things freediving safety as it relates to spearfishing! If you dive safe, you can dive forever. Today we get a masterclass from 3 people with a wealth of knowledge on this subject. Staying safe in the water, how to be a good boaty and keep your buddies safe. What should be inside your first aid kit? Should you contact your local coast guard or sea rescue when you go out? Tips on how to stop bleeding, keep your buddies safe and save your friend's life. An essential set of skills, leave any questions you have in the comments! Important times: 00:13 Intro 04:50 Hello and welcome to the show! 05:40 Welcome Ben! You are quite an accomplished freediver! 06:20 , what makes them unique for spearos? 08:30 Common mistakes that you see on spearfishing boats 10:05 A good buddy system 11:05 When should you draw t