Perry Noble Leadership Podcast

Five Temptations All Wounded Leaders Face



Episode Summary As leaders, at some point, we are all going to find ourselves wounded. In that moment, the question is, how do we heal and stay in the game, rather than falling into the temptations which distract us from our purpose as leaders?1) THE TEMPTATION TO HIDE Instead of owning our mistakes, we are tempted to want to run away. Running away leads to isolation. Isolation always leads to (further) destruction. 2) SELF DOUBT At one point or another, we will all make bad decisions. We have two options on how to handle the result of our bad decision – use them as a tool to become better, or let it steal our calling. If we continue to doubt ourselves because of bad decisions we’ve made in the past or fear making future decisions, we will cease seeking God. 3) SEEKING AFFIRMATION IN THE WRONG PLACES If we are not careful, we can start to seek out only instant affirmation and gratification (think, social media). We can get in a toxic cycle without realizing it, by overestimating the value of outsiders a