The Beauty Beat With Francesca Alexander

S05 Ep. 30 Money Clarity with Barbara Huson



I first did this interview with then Barbara Stanny now Barbara Huson in 2014. I look to her books as my yearly go to when it comes to money clarity. Barbara Huson pushes past the prince charming is going to save you theory and talks about how you should take control of your finances. I bought my first book after hearing her speak at The School of Womanly Arts in 2012. She spoke about her husband gambling away her money and leaving her with two children. During her marriage she had her husband take care of their finances. It was a really gripping story that a lot of the women in the room were at the edge of their seats. In this podcast she said this powerful quote, “If you can’t be bothered by money, money won’t be bothered by you.” So profound and so true.Links for Barbara Stanny’s Books: Get The FREE Instant INSTAGRAM Content Calendar Here: Connect and find me on Twitte