Eric Roberts Is The Man

Episode 15: Raggedy Man (1981) & Camp Dread (2014) (/w Justine Smith)



OMG! WTF! We’re back with more Eric Robertsy goodness and this time.. it’s personal! PERSONALLY AWESOME, as we’re covering the Sissy Spacek-starring romance/drama/horror(?) RAGGEDY MAN (/w Eric Roberts in sailor suit) and the 2014 slasher movie CAMP DREAD! A strange combo? Blame our awesome guest Justine Smith, who is a great writer, personality & person – and I’m not just saying that because she’s CANADIAN. Lots of news! LOTS OF LOVE! Check out Eric Roberts is the Man episode 15. As always, check out ERIC ROBERTS IS THE MAN on Twitter, or come chat ER (or anything else) on our Facebook group. Want more from Justine A. Smith? OF COURSE YOU DO! Your starting place is her Twitter feed @RedRoomRantings, which links to all of he latest writing. There’s plenty more out there at sites like Vague Visions, Vice Canada, and you can read her blog at And how about that ROBERTS REPORT? We talked about Doug’s lengthy interview about the Eric Roberts podcast, which can be found righ