Canadian True Crime

Major Case Updates and Feedback 2022—Part 1



[Part 1 of 2] These episodes take you through cases we've covered that have had major or notable updates, or have attracted notable feedback. Kristi will also be responding to some of the most common feedback received. Approximate timestamps:(Give or take a few minutes)3:00 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - September 30 24-Hour National Residential School Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419 Take Action: The T&R Commission Calls to Action5:00 Remembering the late Diem Saunders - sibling of Loretta Saunders  Read: “Remembering Loretta Saunders: A MMIW Story” by Diem Saunders9:00 Maranda Shelley Peters and Helen Betty Osborne21:00  Supreme Court Decision affecting consecutive sentences:- The Klaus Family Murders- The Quebec City Mosque Shootings- Edward Downey- Derek Saretzky - Crime Beat series Darkness in the Pass- Toronto Van Attack- Dellen Millard & Mark Smich- Douglas Garland- Basil Borutski35:00 The Beatle Bandit - now an awardwinning true crime book by Nate Hendley36:00