It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 40: How to Create a Website that Connects



You’ve perhaps selected a template, or even started your website. You’ve perhaps have a home page and a contact page to start, yet you aren't sure what to do next.   You’re concerned about not connecting with your audience, and wasting your time (and money).   You’re worried about picking the right web designers, the right price, or DIY'ing it better.     You’re afraid of not effectively connecting with your community on your website.   Yet you are more afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through the process.   You are still reading because… because deep down inside you know there has to be a better way to create a website that truly connects (vibes, visuals, and value).   What if…   What if you created a website with clarity to truly connect, create and cultivate?   What if you were able to create the feeling you want people to feel?   What if you were clear on your vibes, visuals, and value?   What if you focused on value and relationship first?   What