It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 46: How to Create Confidence so You Live a Life and Business You Love



Let's Talk How to Create Confidence so You Live a Life and Business You Love. We are talking about imaging it, creating it, and walking in it (plus insight into our Transformation Mastermind pop ups and much more!)   Let’s talk confidence and creating a life and business you love.   So many times we talk ourselves out of something just as fast as we had the thought of creating something magical.   Better yet, we feel we should have something before we’ve even done the necessary work or allowed enough time to pass.   Or how many times have you found yourself “annoyed” at something or entitled to something from someone just because you want it now or maybe giving up because "it" didn't happen "soon" enough?    Anyone else relate? I know I do. I know I’ve been all of these scenarios in various parts and times of my life. I know that I am extremely conscious any time I am   A) Playing small or dimming my light B) Demanding instant gratification  C) Forgetting where I came from or how I may help serve someone D) Q