It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 59: Feature with Melissa, Community Manager with Tailwind, Automation + Scheduling Tool for Pinterest we Use!



Feature: Smart Social and Scale Smart with Tailwind, Automation + Scheduling Tool for   Pinterest and Instagram   Smart Social, Scale Smart, Boss Brand:   Melissa, Community Manager of Tailwind   Startup Advocate, Grad Student, Community Manager, and MORE!   ........Feature Spotlight We talk all things on creating what you love, automation, time freedom, financial freedom, startups, culture, community, and much much more!      This is the tool we use to be smart on social and scale smart with Instagram and Pinterest. It allows us to schedule, repurpose, and automate easily and effortlessly! Click this link for a free one month trial!   We also offer behind the scenes in our mastermind, experiences, and a freebie course in our mastermind, courses, retreats and academy on TailWind!!   Want more?    Tune in to freebie on How to Create and Launch Online Course in a Week!    You will also get insight into the mindset, tips, tools and technology for Boss Brand, Smart Social, and Scaling Smart!   We will get int