Perry Noble Leadership Podcast

5 Lessons I Learned Leading Through COVID



Episode Summary 1) Uncertainty Is The Reason We Need Leadership When COVID hit – Leaders across the board had no idea what to do, from leading a country through a pandemic to leading a ministry and church through one. However, as a leader, in times of uncertainty, is when people need clarity.We will never have “all the information” to make a decision, but we are still called to make the best decision for the people we are leading with the information we do have. Somebody has to jump and go first, if everyone else is stalling in indecision or fear. 2) You Cannot Please Everyone We tend to believe what we pay attention to the most. Not everyone is going to be happy with your decision. In fact, it’s rare for everyone to agree with your decision, big or small. Regardless, you must stay focused on your mission. 3) Make A Decision Indecision is a decision to neglect your gift to lead! One of the most challenging things about being a leader is making the decision. Every decision comes with weight, that the lea