Highway2helms W/ Shane Helms

Episode 54



On episode 54 of Highway2Helms w/ Shane Helms, Shane sends out a Happy Birthday to Terry Funk, and condolences to the Armstrong family, plus he discusses Cam Newton to the Patriots, his favorite sports teams, the cluster that is pro wrestling and social media lately, and Impact Wrestling gaining momentum! Also, hear about Shane joining PWR (Pro Wrestling Report): Prime Time with Hurricane Helms, and new ways to hear it in podcast form!Then, it's time for another listener mailbag, with such topics covered as, has Shane ever been in a submarine, WWE taping in Florida during COVID, his favorite wrestlers to work with, when was he most confident as an active wrestler, Tank Abbott, holding the WCW Hardcore and Cruiserweight titles, the greatest superhero, what's the difference between a producer and an agent, and where would his career have gone if he had never been "The Hurricane"?And in this week's "Comic Slam," Shane talks The Spectre, Justice League, Tartarus, Batman and Catwoman, Black Hammer, Venom, Daredevi