Imperfect Brilliance

Amy Shine - The Joy of Failure



Amy Shine – The Joy of FailureAired Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM ESTDo you expect and project that you will always fail?Do you create situations where you will always be rejected?Are you avoiding success with the constant need to prove the ”failure” you have decided you are?Join Betsy and her guest Amy Shine to create the shift from creating and avoiding failure in relationships, business, bodies, etc… to having the Joy that life truly can be… if you choose it. Is it time to start including and receiving all of you?Amy Shine is a world-traveller, inspirational life & movement coach who loves to inspire and awaken others to a life of more ease, fun and consciousness with their body and being. She is one of the authors to the #1 Best Selling Book ”Dancing as the Body For Consciousness”.Now I see possibilities everywhere in a world that used to disillusion me” Amy ShineAmy’s website: