Imperfect Brilliance

Rachael O’Brien - Imperfect Relationships



Rachael O’Brien – Imperfect RelationshipsAired Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM ESTPerfect Relationships are a fantasy, an ideal which leads to judgment, comparison, proving and wrongness.If you were truly willing to look at what is, and make choices based on what would truly work for both of you, what would that create?Join Betsy and her guest Rachael O’Brien for some tools to create all of your relationships with Ease, Joy & Glory.Rachael O’Brien, is a Transformational Life Coach, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, Joy Of Business Facilitator, Pilates Instructor and more.Rachael is also a mom of the three children and travels the world, facilitating workshops empowering people. She is inspired to create a world that nurtures talent, makes the impossible possible and empowers people to create money doing what they love. Her commitment to a future of possibilities, and living life as an adventure of living, is what wakes her up in the morning.