Imperfect Brilliance

John Wheeler - Beauty Beyond Judgment



John Wheeler – Beauty Beyond JudgmentAired Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM ESTWhat would the world be like if we had no judgment of ourselves and others? Have you ever asked what your definition of beauty is? Do you have a level of beauty you subscribe to or believe in? How do you know? What if beyond wasn’t something you obtained but was something that you were? What if beauty was beyond judgment? Would you have it then?John Wheeler is a licensed professional counselor and an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator. He has many years facilitating and speaking to people around the world and aims to provide a level of ease in the world where possibility is just a choice away. He believes in empowering people to acknowledge what they know, be who they would like to be and choose everything they desire to have in their life, living and business.For more information about John visit or send him an email at john@accessyourmagic.netBetsy McLoughlin is a Certified Faci