Imperfect Brilliance

Selena Ardelean - The Magic You Are



Selena Ardelean – The Magic You AreAired Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM ESTWhat would your life be like if you embraced your magic? What would the world be like if we all acknowledged the beauty and brilliance in all of us? Join Betsy McLoughlin and her guest Selena Ardelean as the uncover some of their magic on their conversation.Selena is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, a Being You Facilitator, a translator, a world traveler, a mom to 2 boys and way more! Her website is McLoughlin is a Certified Facilitator, coach, Realtor, best-selling author of 9 books and much more! She has owned several businesses and would love to contribute to your business and life. She facilitates classes online and in person. For more information on Betsy’s classes in person and online, go to and email radio show topic suggestions, guests or if you would like to host her in your area: accessbetsy@gmail.comVisit the Imperfect Brillianc