Imperfect Brilliance

Rachel Silber - The GIFT of the Future… walking with the whispers…



Rachel Silber – The GIFT of the Future… walking with the whispers…Aired Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM ESTWhat would it be like to follow the nudges, whispers, and tugs of Possibilities rather than ignoring and avoiding them? What adventures await when you let go of the reigns and enjoy the ride? Rachel Silber is a wonderer, a wanderer, a fa-silly-tator and facilitator of Possibilities, a speaker, author, change-maker, friend, wife and mom. She’s been facilitating with the Access Consciousness tools since 2011 and is grateful for every moment with the weird and whacky tools she loves so much! Everything can change when we’re ready to see what is …. and ask for what we’d like. What are the infinite possibilities?Rachel’s website: McLoughlin is a business and wealth mentor, best-selling author and life coach, with a flair for playful possibility. She is a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness.Betsy’s extensive background includes success as a store owner, Realto