An Honorable Mention W/ Shane & Jeff

Episode 37: All Star Extravaganza VII



Well we said we weren't going to do it, yet here we's a show after Shane parted ways with Ring of Honor! Jeff made the choice, and here we are taking a look at "All Star Extravaganza VII" from September of 2015.What does Shane think of how the landscape has changed? Is he surprised by anything he sees? Why did Jeff pick this specific show anyway? Join us as we take a look at ROH A.H. (After Hagadorn) with "ASE7"!An Honorable Mention Podcast is hosted by Jeff Schwartz & Shane Hagadorn every Tuesday on the Creative Control Network. SUPPORT THE US FOR THE LATEST NEWS & NOTES!@AnHonorablePod Twitter & Instagram@thejeffschwartz Twitter & Instagram@hagadornshane Twitter & InstagramAudio by Zach Johnson Search “An Honorable Mention”We are brought to you by (@IVPVideos on twitter)-=-=-=-=-=Dark Tag Team MatchDonovan Dijak &