An Honorable Mention W/ Shane & Jeff

Episode 36: The Future Endeavoring of Shane Hagadorn



Well...this is it, the one that we've been waiting on since the beginning, and we are doing it for the 5 year anniversary of when it happened!It's the story, from the perspective of Hagadorn himself, of when SBG purchased Ring of Honor from Cary Silkin and all the trials & tribulations that followed over the next several years.There are entirely too many topics to list them all but it ranges from when Shane found out about the sale & how he felt, how/why he was removed from the head of ring crew, the day-to-day problems of a TV company buying a wrestling company, how things changed in the office & on the road, and yes, how it all ended.It's pretty open and honest, even funny (which was kind of a surprise), and ultimately that's all we ever aim for on this show.So join Jeff & Shane as they take a dive into the waters of one of the most tumultuous points in ROH's history, and explore how it affected one of the men in the thick of it all.-=-=-=-=-=-=-An Honorable Mention Podcast is hosted by Jeff