An Honorable Mention W/ Shane & Jeff

Episode 39: An All Star Extravaganze II



December 4, 2004 marked the culmination of The Trilogy; in June and once more in October, World Champion Samoa Joe was taken to 60 minute draws by challenger CM Punk.In the wake of near company ending controversy earlier in the year, these bouts firmly established that Ring of Honor was still alive and well, and the October bout even earned an illustrious 5-Star rating (these were the days before 6 and 7 stars mind you) from the Wrestling Observer, the first North American match to receive that praise since 1997.So in Elizabeth, part of one of the longest shows (at least on DVD) ROH had produced up to that point...Joe and Punk met one more time with No Time Limits restraining their battle.This is a look at that HISTORY making event that also featured the first time Jim Cornette and Bobby Heenan collide in the same ring at the same time, it would be the first time Ricky Steamboat tried to do something he hadn't before, and the first time a viewer spends 5 hours being yelled at by the commentary team.It