An Honorable Mention W/ Shane & Jeff

A Grade 1 Episode: G1 Supercard



Yeah we know this was supposed to be "Stalemate", but after such an historic occasion as the G1 Supercard, it just seemed appropriate that two people for whom ROH has been such a huge part of their lives talk on the subject. For Shane it was experienced on a phone through the Honor Club, but for Jeff it was experienced firsthand as he sat front row in The Garden!Join our hosts as they talk their respective feelings on this landmark event, discuss the actual matches in varying detail, ladders, movez, the future of Jay White, and recycling ideas from TNA of all companies...yeah, that happened.It's the G1 Supercard on this week's "An Honorable Mention" and it's brought to you by the Creative Control Network on our NEW hosting home!!!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=ROH/NJPW G1 SupercardApril 6, 2019Madison Square GardenNYC, NYDark Six Man Tag Team MatchHana Kimura, Stella Grey & Sumie Sakai vs. Jenny Rose & Oedo Tai (Hazuki & Kagetsu)Honor Rumble MatchBad Luck Fale vs. Brian Milonas vs. BUSHI vs. Chase